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发布日期:2017年12月07日  来源:德国汉莎航空集团

汉莎航空获得了英国航空顾问公司Skytrax 授予的五星级认证,成为欧洲唯一一家获此殊荣的航空公司。

近日,汉莎航空获得了英国航空顾问公司Skytrax 授予的五星级认证,成为欧洲唯一一家获此殊荣的航空公司。自此,汉莎航空成为10家获此殊荣的航空公司中的一员。在这之前,Skytrax评审团已经向汉莎航空头等舱颁发了五星级认证,现在整个汉莎航空的机舱产品终于获得了同样的评级认证。

Recently, as the first airline outside Asia, Lufthansa had received five-star certification from British aviation consulting specialist Skytrax. This puts Lufthansa in the select group of now ten airlines that have been given this coveted rating. The Skytrax jury has already been awarding five stars to Lufthansa First Class for years – now the entire airline has received the same certification.

汉莎航空集团执行委员会主席兼首席执行官卡斯滕·施波尔(Carsten Spohr)表示:“我们致力于将汉莎航空打造为全球最佳航空公司,这个奖项是对我们付出的巨大努力的莫大认可。我们之所以能获得这个奖项,要归功于我们斥巨资升级机队、升级机舱、引入数字化服务、启用全新候机室以及改进机上和地面服务。优质的产品与员工的专业素养相结合,最终使汉莎航空赢得了五星级航空的殊荣。”他补充道:“汉莎航空的每位员工都应该为此感到自豪,特别是在机舱、驾驶室以及地面工作的员工,是他们通过每天与乘客互动,实现了我们的优质承诺。我坚信,汉莎航空获得五星级殊荣的关键在于我们拥有最优秀的员工。”

“The award is a well-deserved recognition of our major efforts to make Lufthansa one of the world’s leading premium airlines again,” says Carsten Spohr, Chairman of the Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG. “We have caught up because we made huge investments in our fleet, updated all our cabins, introduced digital services, opened new lounges and improved service on board and on the ground. The combination of premium offerings with the quality and professionalism of our employees has earned Lufthansa the status of a five-star airline,” Spohr adds. “Everyone at Lufthansa can be proud of this certification, especially our colleagues in the cabins and cockpits and on the ground who fulfil our premium promise every day in their interactions with our passengers. I am convinced that the most important factor in getting the fifth star was that we have the best airline employees.”

Skytrax 首席执行官Edward Plaisted表示:“我们授予汉莎航空五星级认证,并不只是为了表彰它是欧洲首个达到五星级目标的航空公司,而是明确地认可它多年来取得的进步,特别是在一线服务领域。”

Edward Plaisted, the CEO of Skytrax, confirms: “The achievement of 5-Star Airline status by Lufthansa is not only a great accolade as the first European airline to reach this target, but is a clear recognition of the improvements they have made in recent years,  particularly in all areas of the front line service delivery.”


The testers at Skytrax travel with the perspective of a passenger. For their ratings, they evaluate the service quality of the respective airline with comprehensive assessments on the ground and in the air in up to 800 categories. These include the service on board, seat comfort, catering, security measures, in-flight entertainment, duty-free offers and many other services. For Skytrax, the consistency and constancy with which Lufthansa has forged ahead with the modernisation of its product was a key consideration in the decision to award the fifth star. For instance, the cabins in First, Business, Premium Economy and Economy have been comprehensively upgraded over the last few years. The airline has also expanded its restaurant service from First Class to Business Class, improving its personalized appeal to passengers in the process. And it is also important to look ahead: to the new Business Class that will be rolling out in 2020 with the Boeing 777-9, and to a new and even better Premium Economy and Economy Class. Lufthansa also scored points with the new Lufthansa app and a wide variety of digital services on the ground and on board. The aim is to increasingly use digital opportunities to develop customized offers and services for Lufthansa’s passengers.


In addition to its airline ratings, Skytrax, a rating agency that specializes in aviation, also issues an annual ranking of the most popular airlines. At the 2017 World Airline Awards, based on the survey responses of 19.8 million passengers from 105 different countries, Lufthansa won the award for the best airline in Europe – and seventh worldwide. Since the 1990s, Skytrax has been conducting passenger surveys regarding the quality of airlines and airports. In 1999, the company first awarded certifications, of up to five stars. So far, only ten airlines worldwide have succeeded in obtaining the highest rating.

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  • -End-


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