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Carl Duggan(邓勤)先生——北京华彬费尔蒙酒店总经理
发布日期:2024年02月04日  来源:北京华彬费尔蒙酒店

CARL DUGGAN,General Manager, Fairmont Beijing

Carl Duggan邓勤先生于2023年12月起担任北京华彬费尔蒙酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的营运和管理,以其丰富的行业经验、对市场变化的有效分析、灵活调整经营策略,促使酒店稳步提升市场份额,以更加积极有效的运营状态迎接未来行业发展的变革与挑战。

Fairmont Beijing is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Carl Duggan as their General Manager. Mr. Duggan will oversee and lead all aspects of the hotel's operations and management. His wide-ranging experience is of strategic importance to the continued success of this heritage brand hotel.


Mr. Duggan grew up in England with hospitality in his blood, working in the kitchens of a local hotel from an early age, then graduating from Harrogate College of Arts and Technology with 7 related diplomas in hospitality.

邓勤先生的酒店职业生涯始于1991年,自加入香港喜来登酒店开始,便开启了长达23年的探索旅程,期间先后就职于香港康莱德酒店、香港皇家广场酒店、香港海港广场度假城酒店、西安凯悦酒店、北京东方君悦酒店、东莞松山湖凯悦酒店、香港沙田凯悦酒店以及新加坡Trilogy Hospitality酒店,担任厨房及餐饮部门的一系列管理职务。2014年,邓勤先生晋升为泰国芭堤雅森塔拉酒店及度假村的首任总经理,2017年调任青岛凯悦酒店任总经理,2020年调任沈阳君悦酒店任总经理。

Mr. Duggan ventured to Hong Kong joining the culinary team at Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers in 1991. Over the next 23 years, Mr. Duggan progressed through F&B and management roles at Conrad Hong Kong, Royal Plaza Hong Kong, Harbour Plaza Resort City Hong Kong, Hyatt Regency Xi’an, Grand Hyatt Beijing, Hyatt Regency Dongguan, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Sha Tin, Hyatt Regency Guiyang and Trilogy Hospitality in Singapore. In 2014, Mr. Duggan advanced to his inaugural General Manager role at Centara Hotels and Resorts in Pattaya Thailand before moving to Hyatt Regency Qingdao in the same position in 2017 and to Grand Hyatt Shenyang in 2020 as General Manager.



“I am honored to be given the privilege to continue the journey and custodianship for this iconic legacy brand that has been making unforgettable moments for our guests for more than 100 years. I plan to strengthen the team to consistently turn moments into memories, whilst developing the next generation of hospitality leaders,” says Carl Duggan of his new role.

* 图片由酒店提供

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  • 白鹭先生——北京华彬费尔蒙酒店餐饮总监


  • -End-


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