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Uzbekistan: Step by step towards the Sustainable Development Goals
发布日期:2025年01月21日  来源:旅游休闲

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of global goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 and intended to be achieved by 2030.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of global goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 and intended to be achieved by 2030. They are part of the UN General Assembly resolution “2030 Agenda”, calling for a common action in achieving peace and well-being for humanity and the planet.

The SDGs cover 17 interrelated global goals and a wide range of social, economic and environmental challenges.

Uzbekistan is pursuing large-scale reforms and achieving tangible results on important issues included in the UN Global Agenda 2030, namely improving the way of life and well-being of all mankind, building a just and stable society by comprehensively improving the economic, social and environmental situation in the world.

Over the past period, a completely new mechanism for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals has been introduced, legal and institutional reforms have been carried out. In particular, based on national characteristics, it was determined that Uzbekistan has an opportunity to carry out relevant works on 16 of the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals. Given that the country’s territory is not adjacent with the oceans and seas, it was recognized that goal No. 14 "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development" and its 10 targets cannot be achieved in our country.

By the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated October 20, 2018 "On measures to implement national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development for the period up to 2030," and consequently the Government resolution dated February 21, 2022 "On additional measures to accelerate the implementation of national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development for the period up to 2030" 16 national goals, 126 objectives and 190 indicators were approved, which are considered relevant for the Republic of Uzbekistan. Over the past period, large-scale and comprehensive organizational and legal measures have been implemented in the country, and the experience in this area has been recognized by the international community. Particularly, the Sustainable Development Goals and related targets are reflected in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the new edition, more than 360 laws and other regulatory legal acts. In terms of the institutional framework, a Coordination Council for the implementation of the National Goals and Objectives of Sustainable Development of Uzbekistan until 2030 was established, headed by the deputy Prime Minister.

The main objective of the Coordination Council is to organize the activities of ministries, departments and other organizations in implementing the SDGs at the national level, develop and implement national strategies to achieve the SDGs and mobilize financial, technical and other resources for this work.

Certainly, it should be especially noted that an effective mechanism for balancing interests in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals has been created and parliamentary control in this area has been established.

In order to support, control and facilitate the activities of the Coordination Council in fulfilling its tasks, implementing regular monitoring of the implementation of legislative and regulatory acts aimed at ensuring the fulfillment of national goals and objectives, a Parliamentary Commission chaired by the heads of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis has been established.

It is safe to say that the Strategy "New Uzbekistan - 2030" is harmonized with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and serves as an action program for their implementation at the national level.

The main elements of the synergy of these two documents are reflected in several areas.

First, it is the unity of common goals in the documents. The main goals of the Strategy of New Uzbekistan are defined in accordance with the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals. The Strategy defines specific objectives aimed at achieving the SDGs in such areas as economic growth, social development, environmental stability, protecting human rights, gender equality, improving the quality of education, health care system, and others.

Second, the social orientation of these documents. Both documents pay considerable attention to the development of human capital, improving the well-being of the population, reducing poverty and ensuring social justice. The Strategy of New Uzbekistan identifies measures aimed at improving the quality of life of people by increasing investment in education, health care, social protection and other social spheres.

Third, focus on ensuring economic stability. The Strategy of New Uzbekistan is aimed at ensuring economic growth, creating new jobs, building a competitive economy and stimulating innovation in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. It emphasizes the importance of environmental compliance and rational use of natural resources to achieve sustainable economic growth.

Fourth, both documents are aimed at ensuring environmental sustainability. The Strategy of New Uzbekistan aims to protect the environment, combat climate change, rationally utilize natural resources and introduce eco-friendly technologies in compliance with the environmental goals of the SDGs. The Strategy defines specific objectives to develop a “green economy,” expand the use of renewable energy sources and address environmental challenges.

Fifth, these documents emphasize partnership and cooperation. Hence, the Strategy of New Uzbekistan is aimed at strengthening international cooperation, attracting foreign investments, and introducing advanced technologies and experience in line with the SDG goal of “Partnerships for the Goals”. It emphasizes the importance of cooperation with the UN, other international organizations, foreign states and civil society institutions.

In general, the Strategy of the New Uzbekistan is an expression of the Sustainable Development Goals at the national level and serves their implementation. The close harmony of these two documents ensures the progressive advancement of Uzbekistan along the path of sustainable development.

Indeed, by determining budget policy, parliament contributes to meeting the citizens’ needs and ensuring the country’s development.

Successful implementation of the SDGs largely depends on their funding. It is no secret that today the achievement of the SDGs around the world requires the mobilization of large financial resources. According to the World Bank, the volume of investments required to achieve the SDGs ranges from 2 trillion to 4 trillion dollars per year, that is, about 14 percent of global GDP.

According to the results of the assessment analysis of public development financing in Uzbekistan, in order to achieve the national SDGs, it is necessary to attract additional investments in the amount of at least 6 billion dollars annually.

In this regard, the government is developing a Comprehensive National Financing Strategy aimed at creating favorable conditions for introducing new forms of public and private financing and simultaneously increasing the effectiveness of available financial resources to address priority development tasks.

In this regard, the parliament also occupies a special place, as it is the legislative body that creates the basis for sustainable economic development and investment attraction.

Today, Uzbekistan is actively reforming the legal and regulatory framework to support private entrepreneurship and create favorable conditions for the inflow of investments aimed at SDGs.

In order to stimulate entrepreneurial activity, develop new markets such as ecotourism and eco-construction, systems of tax, non-tax benefits and preferences are being revised.

Particular attention is paid to creating legal conditions to stimulate targeted investments, including support for introducing innovative financial instruments such as green finance, diaspora bonds, SDG bonds and sukuk.

For this purpose, a practice of reviewing the State Budget submitted to the Parliament every year from the point of view of financing projects and programs implemented within the framework of national development goals has been established.

For example, if in 2024 69 percent of the State Budget expenditures were directed to the implementation of the SDGs, then in 2025 this figure will be 72 percent.

All these measures are based on the principle of "Uzbekistan is a social state," enshrined in our Constitution in the new edition.

This principle provides for a further improvement of the people’s well-being, a radical change in the economy, accelerated development of entrepreneurship, ensuring human rights and interests.

Voluntary national reviews on the Sustainable Development Goals are an important tool for assessing and sharing countries' experiences in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

They perform a number of important functions. Primarily, such reports are associated with demonstrating the progress of countries, and Voluntary national reviews provide countries with an opportunity to demonstrate the achievements, challenges and lessons learned along the way to achieving the SDGs. They show the degree of governments’ commitment to their obligations.

Voluntary national reviews are also of great importance in ensuring accountability. These reports hold governments accountable for their policies and practices. They contribute to strengthening public control and transparency of decision-making processes.

National reports provide an essential platform for countries to share experiences, learn from best practices and strengthen cooperation to achieve the SDGs.

Additionally, information and analysis provided in Voluntary national reviews helps governments to develop and improve national policies and strategies to achieve the SDGs.

Parliament plays an important role in the preparation and implementation of such reports. For four years now, the Parliamentary Commission has been actively involved in the preparation of the Voluntary national reviews.

In particular, with the participation of members of the Parliamentary Commission, the first and second Voluntary national reviews of Uzbekistan on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals were prepared and presented at high-level political forums under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2020 and 2023.

Today, many international organizations and parliaments of foreign countries highly appreciate Uzbekistan's efforts in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Of course, it was challenging to achieve this progress. The main foundation for these achievements was laid by the President of Uzbekistan.

At the 75th session of the UN General Assembly held in 2020, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev put forward an initiative to adopt a draft resolution on “Strengthening the role of parliaments in accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”.

As part of the implementation of this initiative, Sustainable Development Goals Week was organized for the first time in 2021. At the end of the week, the first global forum of inter-parliamentary cooperation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals was held in Bukhara for the first time in world history.

Undoubtedly, forums dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals are held in almost all countries of the world.

The importance of the forum organized by Uzbekistan was that for the first time in world history, a country took the initiative to draw the attention of parliaments to this issue, strengthen parliamentary control in the area, and establish inter-parliamentary cooperation.

The forum was attended by more than 500 participants from more than 100 countries, the leaders of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE, the Asian Parliamentary Assembly, the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, and the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States. Following the forum, the Bukhara Declaration was adopted. An important aspect of the forum was the discussion of the draft resolution “On strengthening the role of parliaments in accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals,” proposed by the leader of Uzbekistan at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly.

The parliaments of more than 80 countries made their proposals and recommendations to the draft resolution. As a result, on December 14, 2022, at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, the resolution was unanimously approved by all UN member states.

In terms of what led to the adoption of this resolution, firstly, it has become a distinctive program document for the parliaments of the world, the image of Uzbekistan in the international arena has been further enhanced, and secondly, the role of parliaments in achieving sustainable development goals has been further strengthened and the effectiveness of parliamentary control over the government's activities in this direction has increased.

The efforts in this area have not stopped there. In order to widely promote Uzbekistan's experience, exchange views with other parliamentarians, learn about national and international best practices in the participation of governmental organizations, agencies and civil society institutions, educational, research and analytical centers, as well as to discuss relevant issues for the future, a Sustainable Development Month was held in October-November 2023. On November 30, 2023 the second Global Forum on Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals was organized in Tashkent.

The event was attended by the Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Chairman of Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States (TURKPA), heads and deputies of foreign parliaments, international experts, representatives of ministries and departments, non-governmental non-profit organizations and the media (more than 300 participants from more than 50 countries and foreign organizations).

Following the event, the participants adopted the Tashkent Communiqué, covering current aspects of inter-parliamentary cooperation in achieving the SDGs.

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is a long-term and complex process that requires continuous efforts and updates. The country is also actively working in this area, and several important areas that should be implemented in the future are identified.

First, work on a deeper integration of the Sustainable Development Goals into national policy will be consistently continued. Work will be organized to fully incorporate SDG principles into national strategies, programs in all areas, including state, industry and regional programs and plans, and ensure their interrelation. 

Second, parliamentary control will be strengthened, measures will be taken to improve legislation and raise the work on regular review of government reports to a new level.

Third, the system for monitoring national goals and objectives will be strengthened. Together with the Government, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) indicators for each SDG are under development and their implementation is regularly monitored. This includes digitalization and the widespread use of modern technologies.

Fourth, work is underway to further expand and improve the efficiency of financing mechanisms for the Sustainable Development Goals.

In order to provide the financial resources necessary to achieve the SDGs, measures will be taken to gradually increase funds allocated from the State Budget.

Mechanisms for further expanding private sector participation in SDGs financing will be developed through corporate social responsibility, social investment and other mechanisms. Particular attention will be paid to development of public-private partnership projects.

Efforts will also be expanded to introduce "green" bonds, "green" loans and other innovative financial instruments to finance sustainable projects.

Fifth, measures will be taken to further strengthen social partnership. Non-governmental non-profit organizations, public associations, the media and other civil society institutions will be more actively involved in the SDG implementation process.

Work will be strengthened to inform the general public about the SDGs, encourage their participation and take their opinions into account.

Sixth, scientific research aimed at solving urgent problems in the field of sustainable development is supported, practical measures are taken to widely use digitalization, artificial intelligence, "green" technologies and other innovations in the process of achieving the SDGs. Of course, the implementation of the above measures requires the active participation of all stakeholders, in particular, parliament, government, civil society, business representatives and academia

Ultimately, all these measures will contribute to the sustainable development of Uzbekistan, creation of a sustainable and inclusive economy, development of the social sphere and environmental protection.

K.B. Tursunov,
Deputy chairman of the Committee of the Oliy Majlis Senate for budget and economic matters
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