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专访菲律宾艺术家Jensen Moreno女士
发布日期:2024年10月01日  来源:旅游休闲

Jensen Moreno是屡获殊荣的国际当代艺术家和艺术教师,J. Moreno艺术与设计公司的创始人,以及Jensen Moreno Fine Arts。她也是一名设计师、艺术活动组织者和艺术总监。 Jensen Moreno is an award-winning inter

Jensen Moreno是屡获殊荣的国际当代艺术家和艺术教师,J. Moreno艺术与设计公司的创始人,以及Jensen Moreno Fine Arts。她也是一名设计师、艺术活动组织者和艺术总监。

Jensen Moreno is an award-winning international contemporary artist and art teacher, Founder of J. Moreno Arts and Design Company, and Jensen Moreno Fine Arts. She is also a Designer, Art Events Organizer, and the Director of Arts.

Jensen是一位常驻北京的菲律宾艺术家。她最近的画展在中国非常成功。她的第五次个人画展“名人堂”由A.C.美术馆赞助。随后,菲律宾大使馆为东盟女士圈聚会举办了“世界级”活动,女大使和夫人是主要嘉宾。20196月,“现象”是她在保利国际广场举办的第七次个展,北京的一些知名人士和Chito Santa Romana大使阁下参加了此次个展。

Jensen is a Filipina artist based in Beijing. Her most recent painting exhibitions were very successful in China.Hall of Fame,her 5th solo painting exhibition was sponsored by the A.C.Art Museum. It was followed byWorld-classhosted by the Philippine Embassy for the ASEAN Ladies Circle gathering where Lady Ambassadors and Mesdames were the major guests.Phenomenalwas her 7th solo exhibition sponsored by the Poly International Plaza and was attended by some prominent people in Beijing and H.E. Ambassador Chito Santa Romana in June 2019.


Constellations- a collection of zodiac-themed paintings was launched in Shanghai in 2020 as her 8thsolo exhibition and was decorated in a hotel's executive rooms and printed on thousands of merchandise. In 202I,she then once again showcased her works at the Philippine embassy in Beijing organized by the Philippine Department of Tourism to promote Philippine Culture where KOLs and media were the main guests. This marks her 9th solo exhibition.


Beauty and Colorwas her 10th solo painting exhibition. It was sponsored by and held at Catherine De France Salon, Beijing. It was followed by her 11th solo exhibition which was hosted by OASIS International Hospital. The art exhibition consisted of her personal collection of portraits inspired by her family, the master artists she idolizes, and nature. She held her 12th solo exhibition at the Rotary Club of Beijing at Kempinski Hotel in Beijing where she also attended as a guest speaker.


In 2023,she was invited to be a speaker at the Third Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum wherein nearly 300 youth representatives from over 70 countries gathered. In 2024,she once again partook as a guest in the Silk Road International Women's Day Forum and in 2024 Asean-China Year Of People-To-People Exchanges Forum.


Recently, Ms. Jensen was interviewed by Travel & Leisure All Media, sharing her artistic creation path, recent art activity plans, and some suggestions for young artists.

采访者:旅游休闲全媒体 Travel & Leisure All Media  (T&L)

受访者:Jensen Moreno女士 (J

T&L: 菲律宾的自然环境、人民、文化和历史对你的创作有什么影响?

J: 由于菲律宾数百年来受到不同国家和文化的影响,我的作品变得非常丰富多样。每一幅画都有一定的个性,也是我日常生活中的经历带来的。

T&L: What impact has the natural environment, people, culture, and history of the Philippines had on your creations?

J: Since the Philippines was influenced by different countries and culture for hundreds of years, my works became very rich and diverse. Each painting has a certain personality, and it is also brought by the experiences in my daily life.

T&L: 的作品色彩鲜艳,大胆。这种风格是如何形成的?

J: 从现实主义到抽象再到当代,我的作品就是这样发展起来的。从2015年开始,我开始创造和发现我在调色刀技术方面的技能。我的专长一直是肖像画,因为我总是对遇到的有趣的人感到非常鼓舞。所以,你可以看到我的很多作品都有人物肖像,尽管我也创作了很多动物和静物画。

T&L: Your works are brightly colored and bold. How was this style formed?

J: From realism to abstraction to contemporary, that is how my works evolved. From 2015, I started to create and discover my skills in palette knife technique. My niche’ has been in portraiture as I always feel very inspired with the interesting people I meet. So, you can see a lot of my works having portraits of people, although I also made a lot of animal and still life paintings.

T&L: 你最近的艺术创作计划和艺术活动安排是什么?

J: 我现在首先关注的是我的家庭,然后是我非常热爱的事情。我喜欢在设计和绘画方面挑战自己。我喜欢装饰空间,把我的绘画和艺术融入空间。我与品牌合作,这样他们就可以用我的艺术来美化他们的空间。我的一些艺术品被用于商品、海报、代金券等。我不时出售我的画作并做委托作品。我喜欢这样,我可以随心所欲地去历史景点、画廊旅行,或者只是享受大自然。许多人邀请我参加我非常珍惜的合作项目和活动。我接受媒体甚至艺术学生的采访,激励他人是我的人生目标之一。在过去的10年里,这是一次美妙的旅程,我非常期待艺术界的未来。我的第十二次个展将于今年十月举行。我们对此感到非常兴奋!

T&L: What are your recent art creation plans and art activity arrangements?

J: I am now focusing on first and foremost my family, and then with the things I am very passionate about. I love challenging myself with designing and painting. I love decorating spaces and incorporating my paintings and art in the space. I do collaborations with brands so they can use my art to beautify their spaces. Some of my artworks were used for merchandise, posters, vouchers, etc. I sell my paintings and do commission works from time to time. I love it when I can just do whatever I want and travel to historical places, galleries, or simply enjoy nature. Many are inviting me for collaborative projects and events which I really cherish. I entertain interviews from media and even art students, inspiring others is one of my life purposes. It has been a wonderful journey this past 10 years and I am looking so much forward to what the future holds for me in the art scene. My 12th solo exhibition is coming this October. We are very excited for this one!

T&L: 您对中菲艺术文化交流有何建议?


T&L: What suggestions do you have for the exchange of art and culture between China and the Philippines?

J: One of the greatest keys to building long-lasting friendship between nations is conducting more art and cultural exchanges, not only that we learn from each other, but it spreads our horizons to more possibilities of collaboration. It is relevant for individuals coming from different countries to get exposure from each other’s traditions as it heightens the scale of our cooperation as well.

T&L: 对于仍在探索成功之路的年轻艺术家,您有什么建议?

J: 我一直建议我们的年轻艺术家永远不要放弃追求梦想和内心的渴望。这就是我一直在做的事情,以实现我生活中的成功和幸福。承担好风险和犯错误对我们学习和扩展我们的耐心和毅力至关重要。当你在旅途中迎接更多宏伟的挑战时,你会对自己的优势和能力感到惊讶。

T&L: What advice do you have for young artists who are still exploring the path to success?

J: I have always advised our young artists to never give up on pursuing their dreams and their heart’s desires. That’s what I have been doing to achieve the success and happiness in my life. It is crucial to take good risks and make mistakes for us to learn and extend our patience and perseverance. You’ll be amazed of your own strengths and capabilities as you take in more and grandeur challenges in your journey.

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