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从韩国到丹麦,Kristian Baumann的烹饪之旅
发布日期:2024年10月07日  来源:旅游休闲

2024年10月7日,西班牙,圣塞巴斯蒂安 (San Sebastian,Spain),这位有着韩国血统的丹麦厨师的菜肴是经过研究和内省的结果,将亚洲传统与北欧技术相结合。 Kristian Baumann是两种烹饪文化的非凡结合,他以自己的风格将这两种文化完美地结合在一起,并全力捍卫。

2024107日,西班牙,圣塞巴斯蒂安 (San Sebastian,Spain),这位有着韩国血统的丹麦厨师的菜肴是经过研究和内省的结果,将亚洲传统与北欧技术相结合。

Kristian Baumann是两种烹饪文化的非凡结合,他以自己的风格将这两种文化完美地结合在一起,并全力捍卫。他出生在韩国,小时候被一个丹麦家庭收养,在一所“非常严格的寄宿学校学习,在那里我们做了所有的工作,包括烹饪。这就是我找到激情的地方,”他承认。在丹麦,他与最优秀的人一起生活和训练,包括在哥本哈根著名的Noma餐厅工作过一段时间。我很幸运,因为我有很好的导师,他们教我很好。






From Korea to Denmark, the culinary journey of Kristian Baumann

The result of a studied, introspective process, the cuisine of this Danish chef with Korean roots combines Asian tradition with Nordic technique.

Kristian Baumann is an extraordinary combination of two culinary cultures, which he has managed to combine to perfection in his own style, which he defends to the hilt. Born in South Korea, he was adopted as a child by a Danish family and studied at a "very strict boarding school where we did all the work, including cooking. That's where I found my passion," he admits. And in Denmark he lived and trained with the best, including a stint at the famous Noma restaurant in Copenhagen. I've been very lucky because I've had very good mentors who have taught me well.

The pandemic and an inner strength that drove him to define himself 'because I always felt I was in the middle', sparked my curiosity after the completion of my first project, 108, and I began a journey that led me to discover the tradition of my homeland. Since April 2023, he has been at the helm of the renowned Koan restaurant, which received two Michelin stars in just 10 weeks and has been praised for its creativity, attention to detail and commitment to sustainability.

Art in avant-garde, age-old dishes

Koan's approach reflects Kristian's years of research in South Korea, where he studied everything from street cuisine to royal court kitchens. For some of the dishes, he has enlisted the help of artists, and all of them offer diners a taste of Korean heritage, but imbued to an extraordinary degree with Danish culinary art. And at Gastronomika he presented four of them, delighting the public with their aesthetic simplicity and explosion of flavours.

The first was an oyster with Gamtae seaweed, one of the rarest seaweeds in South Korea, bathed in champagne sauce, 'a dish you can drink in one gulp'. He then presented a Danish lobster, 'whose head we let dry to grind it into flour, which we use to make very fine noodles,' he explained, as he placed the noodles at the bottom of the bowl, seasoned with lobster oil, under pickled pears and turnips to add texture. He then placed the lobster meat, bathed in a clear broth also drawn from the lobster's head, and topped with strips of fried leek.

A beautiful white kimchi flower with herbs and seasonal flowers was the third dish, "which we use in the restaurant to reset the palate before going straight into the menu", before finishing with an original reinterpretation of sundae, "a traditional sausage similar to blood sausage that is eaten in Korea when you have a hangover". He brought it wrapped in a butter made from rice, vegetables and pork, which he cut into slices, accompanied by a thin blackcurrant paste "to give it a crunchy and sour point, a very different approach to a traditional dish that is a precious marriage between Korea and Denmark," he said to applause.

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