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发布日期:2024年10月08日  来源:旅游休闲

2024年10月7日,西班牙,圣塞巴斯蒂安 (San Sebastian,Spain),第26届San Sebastian Gastronomika - Euskadi Basque Country正式开幕,并举行了仪式,向Pedro Subijana、Lisa Abend和Mariano

2024107日,西班牙,圣塞巴斯蒂安 (San Sebastian,Spain),第26届San Sebastian Gastronomika - Euskadi Basque Country正式开幕,并举行了仪式,向Pedro Subijana、Lisa Abend和Mariano García致敬。

26San Sebastian Gastronomika - Euskadi Basque Country于今天中午在拥挤的Kursaal礼堂正式开幕。在组织者、机构代表、厨师和赞助商出席的仪式上,大会和美食之声总监Benjamin Lana率先发言。Lana在演讲中强调了在世界各地传播Donostia美食价值观的重要性,但他也提到了新版的口号“开放城市”。



然后轮到机构代表了。Gipuzkoa副总干事Eider Mendoza解释说:“大会是那些将制定国家战略的人的聚会场所。这些会议对于像Gipuzkua这样的地区来说是至关重要的,在那里,美食是一座灯塔。”。

巴斯克政府食品、农村发展、农业和渔业部长Amaia Barredo表示:“Donostia是国际美食的中心,Gastronomika是巴斯克美食的反映,因为它带来了文化和传统,也带来了创新和产品。我们的美食以我们的厨师和用我们周围的产品烹制的菜肴的质量为特征。烹饪和生产者必须联合起来”。

电影节结束一周后,该市市长Eneko Goia很高兴看到Kursaal挤满了烹饪明星:“我们是巴斯克美食之都,像这样的举措向世界展示了我们。为了继续成为世界参考,我们必须向前迈进,继续下注,我认为我们做得相对不错。”。

葡萄牙地区营销总监Lidia Monteiro也走上舞台,对能够将葡萄牙美食和厨师带到大会上表示满意:我相信,当你品尝我们厨师正在做的事情时,你会很高兴的。



在礼堂里,还有时间向三位因其多产的职业生涯而受到认可的专业人士致敬。Pedro SubijanaAkelarre***,圣塞巴斯蒂安)是这一开幕式活动的主要参与者之一,获得了圣塞巴斯蒂安美食2024致敬奖。作为新巴斯克美食的伟大建筑师之一,这位圣塞巴斯蒂安厨师已经在厨房工作了半个多世纪,并在每届大会上担任发言人,他是创始委员会的成员。

厨师与Benjamín Lana进行了亲密交谈,他在交谈中承认自己的退休还远未到来,回忆起他是如何作为一名员工来到Akelarre的,感谢他的妻子Ada一直在他身边照顾这些数字,并确认他希望以第一人称享受他们所做的一切。他说:“我职业生涯中最大的奢侈是路易斯·伊里扎,他是一位杰出的大师,总是给我留下印记。”然后他向我保证,只要谦虚,每个人都可以向每个人学习。

今年的Pau Albornài Torras美食新闻奖授予了美国记者和科普作家Lisa Abend。感谢您给予我这一殊荣。我无法告诉你,在这座教会了我美食可能性的城市里获得这一认可,我有多自豪和高兴。她在台上情绪激动地说,这个奖项是为了纪念这位杰出的记者和亲爱的朋友而设立的,这让我更加感动。

巴利亚多利德酿酒师和酿酒师Mariano García被授予Gueridón de Oro。凭借与Mauro酒庄密切相关的成功职业生涯,他今天获得了Hilario Arbelaitz的奖项,他称他为“西班牙葡萄酒界最重要的人”。他是个好朋友,也是个伟人。

在热情地拥抱厨师后,加西亚接受了奖项,并宣称“这个奖项的满意度更高,因为它与美食有关,这让我认为葡萄酒不那么技术性,更享乐主义”。这位酿酒师回忆起他在Gipuzkoa的开始,以及他与Pedro ArreguiMatías GorrotxategiJuan Mari Arzak的特殊友谊:“葡萄酒表达自己的最佳场所是在用餐时和好的陪伴下。

Welcome to the Chefs' Congress!

The 26th edition of San Sebastian Gastronomika - Euskadi Basque Country was officially inaugurated with a ceremony honouring the personalities of Pedro Subijana, Lisa Abend and Mariano García.

The 26th edition of San Sebastian Gastronomika - Euskadi Basque Country was officially inaugurated today at noon in a packed Kursaal Auditorium. In a ceremony attended by the organisers, institutional representatives, chefs and sponsors, Benjamín Lana, director of the Congress and Vocento Gastronomía, was the first to speak. In his speech, Lana stressed the importance of spreading the values of Donostia's gastronomy throughout the world, but he also referred to the slogan of this new edition, 'Open City'.

He also pointed out that "we are here to gather around the fire, share our knowledge and talk, that other very human activity. Donostia is the cooking city par excellence', but in this edition 'it will also be an open city'. We want to strengthen these two aspects of San Sebastian. We are here to justify our edition of the Chefs' Congress, high-flying and poutine. And we also welcome the tavern keepers, blood brothers and sisters who deserve to be embraced as such'. He also stated that "we open our arms especially to our Portuguese brothers and sisters; this is your home".

A country strategy

It was then the turn of the institutional representatives. Eider Mendoza, Deputy General of Gipuzkoa, explained that "the Congress is a meeting place for people who are going to define a strategy as a country. These meetings are fundamental for a region like Gipuzkoa, where gastronomy is a beacon'.

For Amaia Barredo, the Basque Government's Minister of Food, Rural Development, Agriculture and Fisheries, 'Donostia is the epicentre of international gastronomy and Gastronomika is a reflection of Basque gastronomy, because it brings culture and tradition, but also innovation and products. Our gastronomy is characterised by our chefs and by the quality of the dishes prepared with products from our surroundings. Cuisine and producers must join forces'.

The city's mayor, Eneko Goia, was delighted to see the Kursaal full of culinary stars a week after the film festival: 'We are the Basque capital of gastronomy, and initiatives like this show us to the world. In order to continue to be a world reference, we have to move forward and keep betting, and I think we are doing relatively well'.

Lidia Monteiro, territorial marketing director for Portugal, also took to the stage to express her satisfaction at being able to bring Portuguese gastronomy and chefs to the congress: I'm sure you'll be delighted when you taste what our chefs are doing'.

Three well-deserved awards

After the aurresku and the toast with txakoli, attended by the members of the Advisory Committee and the Founding Committee, this new edition of San Sebastian Gastronomika - Euskadi Basque Country was officially inaugurated.

In the auditorium, there was also time to pay tribute to three professionals who have been recognised for their prolific careers. Pedro Subijana (Akelarre ***, San Sebastian) was one of the main protagonists of this inaugural event, receiving the San Sebastian Gastronomika 2024 Tribute Award. One of the great architects of New Basque Cuisine, the San Sebastian chef has been in the kitchen for more than half a century and has been a speaker at every edition of the congress, of which he is a member of the founding committee.

The chef shared an intimate conversation with Benjamín Lana, in which he admitted that his retirement was far from imminent, recalled how he arrived at Akelarre as an employee, thanked his wife Ada for always being at his side and taking care of the figures, and confirmed his desire to enjoy everything they have done in the first person. The great luxury of my professional life has been Luis Irizar, an exceptional master who has always left his mark on me,' he said, before assuring that, with humility, one can learn from everyone.

This year's Pau Albornà i Torras Gastronomic Journalism Prize went to the American journalist and populariser Lisa Abend. Thank you for this great honour. I can't tell you how proud and happy I am to receive this recognition in the city that taught me the possibilities of gastronomy. The fact that it is a prize created in memory of such a distinguished journalist and dear friend touches me even more,' she said emotionally on stage.

Valladolid oenologist and winemaker Mariano García was awarded the Gueridón de Oro. With a successful career closely linked to Bodegas Mauro, he received the award today from Hilario Arbelaitz, who described him as 'the most important man in the world of wine in Spain'. He is a great friend and a great man.

After embracing the chef in an emotional embrace, García accepted the prize and declared that 'the satisfaction of this award is greater because it is linked to gastronomy, which has made me see wine as something less technical and more hedonistic'. The oenologist recalled his beginnings in Gipuzkoa and his special friendship with Pedro Arregui, Matías Gorrotxategi and Juan Mari Arzak: "The best place for wine to express itself is during a meal and in good company.

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