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发布日期:2024年10月14日  来源:旅游休闲

2024年10月8日,西班牙,圣塞巴斯蒂安 (San Sebastian,Spain)。 作为一对夫妇和专业同事,Marlene Vieira和João Sá都不是里斯本人,但他们宣布对这座他们取得胜利的城市充满热情,他们最欣赏的是它的文化多样性。 玛琳出生在波尔

202410月8日,西班牙,圣塞巴斯蒂安 (San Sebastian,Spain)。

作为一对夫妇和专业同事,Marlene VieiraJoão Sá都不是里斯本人,但他们宣布对这座他们取得胜利的城市充满热情,他们最欣赏的是它的文化多样性。

玛琳出生在波尔图,她承认,她觉得自己属于这座首都,“因为它一直是一个多元文化的城市,随时准备向世界开放,欢迎每个人”。这是一位曾在曼哈顿生活过一段时间的人写的,他是葡萄牙电视台厨师学院比赛的老师和评委。她目前经营着三家不同的餐厅,超时市场的一个美食角,Zunzum Gastrobar和最新的美食餐厅Marlene


João Sá解释说,他在里斯本演讲的最佳论据是爱,“爱我的伴侣,爱美食,爱一个充满光明和文化融合的城市”。由于父母出生在安哥拉,他没有葡萄牙传统,“我们没有吃feijoda,我们吃了moamba,一种用棕榈油炖的鸡肉”,所以他的菜肴更让人想起阿尔法玛的风格,“一个兼收并蓄、非常私人的社区”。最近获得第一颗米其林星级的SálaS是一种旅行美食,由一个始终向世界开放的城市指导。我们在他准备的原始绿色蒸粗麦粉中看到了这一点,这是“一道来自特拉斯-奥斯-蒙特斯地区的菜,犹太社区在阿拉伯占领期间学会了”,用比粗粒面粉大的谷物糊制成,用大蒜和香菜烹制,用剃刀头、codium、摩洛哥柠檬和他们在邻近餐厅制作的garum浸泡。

A love for Lisbon, a city open to the world

As a couple and professional colleagues, neither Marlene Vieira nor João Sá are from Lisbon, but they declare their passion for the city in which they have triumphed and which they appreciate above all for its cultural diversity.

Marlene, who was born in Porto, felt that she belonged in the capital "because it has always been a multicultural city, ready to open up to the world and welcome everyone", she admitted. This from someone who lived in Manhattan for a while, and was a teacher and judge in the Chefs Academy competition on Portuguese television. She currently runs three different restaurants, a food corner in the Timeout market, Zunzum Gastrobar and the latest, her gastronomic restaurant Marlene.

Marlene is very close to the cruise terminal and I see it as a window to the world. But I am Portuguese and I have my feet in Portugal, so I absorb outside influences, but I always start from my native tradition,' she argued. And to visually explain her work, she prepared a pickled blue whiting with pickled carrots and beetroot, bathed in a clarified broth from the fried fish. The second proposal was a personal reinterpretation of the traditional octopus feijoada, "which, if you close your eyes, you can see its taste perfectly". To do this, after stewing the white beans and cuttlefish, he made a broth and used the rest to make the puree that forms the base of the dish. He then received the cuttlefish, cooked and cut into cannelloni shapes, and bathed them in the clarified broth, which contained all the flavours.

João Sá, for his part, explained that the best argument for his presentation on Lisbon was love, "love for my partner, love for gastronomy and love for a city of light and a mix of cultures". With parents born in Angola, he doesn't have a Portuguese tradition, 'we didn't eat feijoada, we ate moamba, a chicken stew with palm oil', so his cuisine is more reminiscent of the style of the Alfama, 'an eclectic and very personal neighbourhood'. Recently awarded its first Michelin star, Sála's is a travelling cuisine, guided by a city that is always open to the world. We saw this in the original green couscous he prepared, 'a dish from the Trás-os-Montes area that the Jewish community learned during the Arab occupation', made with a grain paste larger than semolina, cooked with garlic and coriander, bathed in razor tips, codium, Moroccan lemon and a garum they make in a neighbouring restaurant.

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