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旅游受山火影响有限 洛杉矶继续迎接全球游客
发布日期:2025年02月06日  来源:美国加利福尼亚州旅游会展局

Los Angeles Largely Unaffected by Wildfires, Tourism Opens to Global Visitors


The Los Angeles wildfires have made the last couple of weeks incredibly difficult for California. However, it is important to note that the fire’s effects are primarily limited to specific areas within Los Angeles County.

截至2025年1月31日,洛杉矶地区98%的区域未受到火灾波及, Eaton、Hughes和Palisades山火已完全扑灭。 

As of January 31, 2025, more than 98 percent of Los Angeles County was not in an affected area. The Eaton, Hughes, and Palisades fires were 100 percent contained.


The air quality in most areas of Los Angeles County is considered “good” according to to AirNow.gov. The city’s iconic sites and experiences—the Hollywood Sign, Universal Studios Hollywood, the Santa Monica Pier, and many more—remain unaffected and are open to visitors. Tourists can visit these sites with peace of mind.


Most of Los Angeles' attractions continue to operate normally.

• 迪士尼乐园度假区距离受山火影响的区域约72公里,且乐园在火灾期间保持开放。安纳海姆的空气质量目前为“良好”,游客可以放心前往。

• Disneyland Resort is located about 45 miles from the most wildfire-affected areas of Los Angeles and the two parks have not closed during the wildfires. 

• 好莱坞环球影城营运正常。

• Universal Studios Hollywood is operating regular hours.

• 圣塔莫尼卡码头和太平洋公园正常营业。

• The Santa Monica Pier and Pacific Park are operating regular hours.

• 格里菲斯天文台和公园已于1月24日重新开放。

• The Griffith Observatory reopened last week on Jan. 24.

• 六旗魔术山位于Hughes山火(现已完全扑灭)以南几英里处,仍然正常开放,并按照常规的季节性日程运营,因此在部分工作日会关闭。

• Six Flags Magic Mountain is located a few miles south of the Hughes Fire (now 100 percent contained), but it is open and operating its usual seasonal calendar, and therefore closed on some weekdays. 

• 盖蒂中心已重新开放;盖蒂别墅暂时关闭,恢复开放时间另行通知。

• As of press time, the Getty Center has reopened; the Getty Villa will be closed until further notice. 

交通方面,洛杉矶国际机场(LAX)和好莱坞伯班克机场目前仍正常运营。部分航班可能会因天气原因有所延误,建议游客与航空公司确认航班状态。洛杉矶地铁正常运行,并在山火期间提供免费乘车服务。由于山火的影响,马里布附近的1号公路和CA-27的一些路段已关闭。根据上周的消息,I-10西向高速公路在4街和5街出口处已重新开放,完全通向圣塔莫尼卡市中心。到目前为止,日落大道(Sunset Boulevard)未受火灾影响,仍然开放。更多最新的道路封闭信息,可以通过加州交通管理局QuickMap网站进行查询。

On transportations, both Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Hollywood Burbank Airport remain open and operational, but it’s advised, as always, that travelers check with airlines for updates on flight statuses. The Los Angeles Metro is operating normally, providing free rides during the fire period. Sections of Highway 1 near Malibu and CA-27 (aka Topanga Canyon Boulevard) are closed due to wildfire-related reasons. As of last week, the I-10 West Freeway has reopened at the 4th Street and 5th Street exits into Downtown Santa Monica, making it fully accessible. To date, Sunset Boulevard has been unaffected by the fires and remains open. For the latest road closure information, travelers can check the California Department of Transportation’s QuickMap website.

加州旅游局总裁兼首席执行官Caroline Betata女士就洛杉矶山火表示:“我们由衷感谢奋不顾身、日夜坚守的救援人员,也被灾难期间人们展现的关爱与支持深深感动。”

Visit California President & CEO Caroline Beteta today issued the following statement on the Los Angeles wildfires: “We are immensely thankful for the first responders that have been working tirelessly and are truly moved by the outpouring of support seen throughout this tragedy.”


Despite the wildfires, most of Los Angeles and surrounding areas remain unaffected, making travel safe. Visitors can continue to enjoy the rich culture and tourism experiences that Los Angeles offers while contributing to the community's recovery and supporting local businesses.


Los Angeles is called the City of Angels—California's center of imagination, creativity, ambition, and invention. Where dreams rise up like palm trees, and stories go from inspiration to ideas to moving images on screens big and small, all over the world. Today, this resilient city needs your help to write its recovery story. One of the best ways to support Los Angeles’ recovery is by planning a visit.

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  • -End-


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