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发布日期:2021年04月21日  来源:旅游休闲



During this year's two sessions, Tang jiangpeng, member of the National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference and principal of Xishan senior high school in Jiangsu Province, said that if children only have scores, they can't win the future exams; if education only focuses on the enrollment rate, the country will have no core competitiveness; scores are not the whole content of education, nor the fundamental goal. Good education should cultivate lifelong sportsmen, responsibility bearers, problem solvers and elegant life people, so that children can win the future with sound and high-quality personality.

At that time, this remark aroused a wider resonance in the circle of friends, reflecting a subtle and real social emotion.

In my opinion, promoting youth leisure career and industry is an important embodiment of this "good education". In particular, a group of post-80s and post-90s parents grew up in the ideological trend or slogan of quality education, and they very much agree with the education of the next generation, such as parent-child company, education in fun, comprehensive quality and so on.

At the same time, the overall economic and social development has reached a new stage. Under the guidance of high-quality development and the historical opportunity of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, China's youth leisure industry will usher in a broader development prospect and growth space.

From the development of international youth leisure, its types mainly include sports, tourism and leisure, cultural experience, games and so on. Developed countries  bring us five very valuable enlightenment in promoting the in-depth, steady, quality, efficient and healthy development of youth leisure.


这方面欧美一些国家确实是走在了前列。它们的青少年休闲已经发展成为一种不容忽视的文化现象、时尚潮流 ,以大众传媒为载体,以商业运作为,以消费为目的,将娱乐、休闲、竞技等内容融为一体,越来越体现出产业化特点。其主要体现为休闲消费广告、休闲产品宣传、文化娱乐体育明星崇拜、商业性休闲活动等等形式,具有明显的产业性、商业性、消费性、娱乐性、流行性以及后现代非理性等特点 。

比如,在英美两国,《哈利·波特》魔法世界已经植入很多青少年脑海中,并成为一种休闲时尚。面对一种新的可能,自带超级流量的 《哈利·波特》,近几年抢摊青少年休闲市场,深入推进产业化,在英美两国收获颇丰。7本书、8部电影,只是哈利·波特产业链中的基础,工艺品、特许商品、俱乐部、主题公园等等衍生产品的收益才是大头,围绕哈利·波特展开的是一个60亿美元的庞大文化产业链。产业链深度加工最终纵深推动了英美的哈利·波特的文化休闲热,甚至正完成对全球性市场的打造和巨大利益的收获。如今对于很多英美青少年而言,“哈利·波特”所代表的更是一种生活方式,它让他们沉浸于其中,共享乌托邦式的休闲产品。


Industrialization is the only way for the deep development of youth leisure

In this regard, some European and American countries are indeed at the forefront. Their youth leisure has developed into a cultural phenomenon and fashion trend that can not be ignored. With mass media as the carrier, commercial operation as the means, and consumption as the purpose, they integrate entertainment, leisure, sports and other contents, and more and more embody the characteristics of industrialization. It is mainly reflected in the form of leisure consumption advertising, leisure product publicity, cultural entertainment, sports star worship, commercial leisure activities and so on. It has obvious characteristics of industry, commerce, consumption, entertainment, popularity and post-modern irrationality.

For example, in Britain and the United States, "Harry Potter" magic world has been implanted in many teenagers' minds, and has become a leisure fashion. In the face of a new possibility, Harry Potter, with its own super traffic, has made great achievements in recent years in UK and the United States by competing in the youth leisure market and promoting industrialization. 7 books and 8 movies are just the foundation of Harry Potter's industrial chain. The proceeds from the derivative products such as handicrafts, licensed commodities, clubs and theme parks are the major ones. Around Harry Potter, there is a huge cultural industrial chain of 6 billion US dollars. The deep processing of the industrial chain has finally promoted the cultural and leisure craze of Harry Potter in Britain and the United States, and is even completing the construction of the global market and the harvest of huge benefits. Nowadays, for many British and American teenagers, "Harry Potter" represents a way of life, which makes them immerse in it and share Utopian leisure products.

In China, on the other hand, there is still a long way to go. Take film and television as an example, "pleasant goat" and "bear haunt" also have a lot of IP traffic, but their derivatives are relatively rough and shallow, which do not form a self consistent industrial chain, and the level of industrial operation is obviously insufficient.





The government's active action is an important guarantee for the steady development of youth leisure

From the experience of European and American countries, in promoting the development of youth leisure, government departments should actively act, introduce relevant laws and regulations, constantly improve the construction of leisure infrastructure, strengthen the construction of leisure talents, and actively promote the formation of youth leisure atmosphere and development mechanism in the whole society.

The Federal Republic of Germany implemented the "Gold Plan" in 1959, and built a total of 67095 related facilities, including 31000 children's playgrounds, 14700 medium-sized sports grounds, 10400 gymnasiums, 5500 school gymnasiums, 2420 open-air swimming pools, 2625 teaching swimming pools and 50 swimming pools, with a final cost of 17.4 billion marks. Germany's "golden plan" has built enough infrastructure for teenagers' sports, games and leisure. Most of the funds come from the government, which has played a great role in promoting German teenagers' sports and leisure.

Recently, the "report on the implementation of the 2020 national economic and social development plan and the draft 2021 national economic and social development plan" put forward by the State Council was examined and approved. Among them, the report specifically proposes the introduction and implementation of the national leisure program (2021-2035). In my opinion, this national leisure program should give full play to the macro guiding role of the government and pay full attention to youth leisure, which will play a positive role in the development of youth leisure in China.


国外的研究已经充分表明,家长深度参与青少年休闲,不但能提升亲子关系、增进亲子互动,还可以带领青少年亲近大自然 、体验不同的休闲乐趣,更可提升青少年的综合素质、以促进其身体发育和身心健康成长


事实上,近些年在日本、韩国、新加坡等东亚国家和地区,亲子陪伴共同参与青少年休闲也成为一个重要的价值理念和生活方式。家长的支持和陪伴对于日本青少年保持高频度的运动休闲产生了积极影响。日本文部科学省的相关报告显示,多数日本青少年家长能认识到学业之外的体育锻炼的意义,他们更看重体育运动休闲对孩子的性格塑造,希望孩子能确立目标为之奋斗、 学会合作和竞争、正确看待成功和失败、身心健康成长等。

Parent child company is an ingenious way for teenagers to develop leisure with high quality

Foreign studies have fully shown that parents' Deep Participation in teenagers' leisure can not only enhance parent-child relationship and parent-child interaction, but also lead teenagers to get close to nature and experience different leisure fun, and can also improve teenagers' comprehensive quality, so as to promote their physical and mental development.

In youth leisure activities, it is common for parents to accompany in European and American countries. For example, parents in Paris, France, like to take their children to the theatre very much and instill in their children that French is "Moliere's language". When it comes to weekends, holidays and vacations, theaters of all sizes in the streets of Paris can see many parents taking their children to experience the charm of drama, and witness the important role of drama culture and leisure in the growth of French teenagers.

In fact, in recent years, in Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other East Asian countries and regions, parent-child company to participate in youth leisure has become an important value and lifestyle. The support and company of parents have a positive impact on the high-frequency sports and leisure of Japanese teenagers. According to the relevant report of the Ministry of education, culture, science and technology of Japan, most parents of Japanese teenagers can realize the significance of physical exercise beyond their studies. They pay more attention to the shaping of their children's character by sports and leisure, hoping that their children can establish goals, strive for it, learn to cooperate and compete, correctly view success and failure, and grow up healthily and physically.





Schools are still important places and organizers for the "efficient development" of leisure for young people.

In many countries, the school is an important choice for young people's leisure activities, mainly due to the school's relatively complete sports facilities, relatively sufficient cultural and leisure places, and a higher degree of opening to the outside world and so on.

For example, Japan's school sports facilities are rich in resources, and the number of leisure sports facilities exceeds 60% of the total number of related facilities in the country. Article 13 of Japan's basic sports law also stipulates that "on the premise of not affecting school education, school sports facilities should be open to local residents as far as possible.". In fact, the opening mode and opening hours of school sports facilities in Japan provide convenience for teenagers to participate in leisure.

In contrast, the number of school leisure sports facilities in China is relatively rich, but it has not been fully utilized. Many primary and secondary schools, due to safety problems, personnel shortage and other concerns, often lock the doors of related places in their spare time and holidays, making teenagers unable to use sports venues, equipment and other resources.

In the future, as far as the actual situation of our country is concerned, the relevant departments and schools should work together to solve the worries of the school authorities, encourage the school sports facilities with open conditions to open to teenagers free of charge or at low charges, or implement regular opening throughout the year, especially to improve the opening rate on weekends. Schools should also implement leisure education and plan diversified leisure activities, provide more leisure information and diversified community activities, so as to meet the needs of teenagers and improve their opportunities to participate in leisure.




美国文化历史较为短暂,只有200多年建国史,但它善于从其他国家与民族的历史文化中发掘素材,打造适合本国青少年休闲需求的文化产业精品,如好莱坞大片《花木兰》、《功夫熊猫》等就是借鉴了我国传统文化,并讲述了他们的价值观,又反过来占领了我国的文化 产业市场,并对我国青少年休闲审美产生影响。



The shaping of outlook on life, values and world outlook is the essence of the healthy development of youth leisure

Youth leisure content shows the style of a country. The shaping and cultivation of youth's outlook on life, values and world outlook behind leisure is the essence of promoting their development.

In my opinion, we should deal with the relationship between globalization and nationality of youth leisure. Today, economic globalization drives cultural globalization and leisure globalization. Youth leisure in all countries is open and inclusive, which is an irreversible trend. The correct greeting posture should be: we should not only creatively absorb foreign leisure culture, but also pay attention to the nationality, regionality and uniqueness of leisure.

The history of US culture is relatively short, with a history of more than 200 years. However, it is good at exploring materials from the history and culture of other countries and nations, and creating cultural industry boutiques suitable for the leisure needs of its young people. For example, Hollywood blockbusters Hua Mulan and Kung Fu Panda draw lessons from China's traditional culture, tell their values, and in turn occupy the majority of China Cultural industry market, and has an impact on our youth leisure aesthetic.

We should also note that in some European and American countries, video games are increasingly becoming an important leisure pastime for many young people, and even many young people give up their jobs and spend all their time with games, turning a leisure way into a decadent and dispirited lifestyle. This kind of value needs us to be vigilant.

At present, China's youth leisure can establish a better link and extension with the socialist core values. For example, in recent years, red tourism has developed rapidly under the active guidance of national policies, especially in 2021, when the party is still a century old, the red research and study, red culture and leisure among young people will certainly have further development. This kind of red culture and tourism leisure can realize the organic combination of traditional education and modern leisure way, and it is a fresh teaching material for teenagers to carry out national spirit education and patriotism education.





About Travel & Leisure All-media Platform

Travel & Leisure All-media Platform has focused on the tourism and leisure industry for 20 years,  is committed to guiding middle class consumers,"Travel & Leisure Industry Awards", which has been held for many years and invited ambassadors from all over the world as the awarding guests, has extensive influence. Travel & Leisure All-media Platform includes Travel & Leisure website, Travel & Leisure WeChat official account, Travel & Leisure APP, Travel & Leisure Weibo, Travel & Leisure mini program, such as Jun Travel network, Jun Travel WeChat official account, Jun Travel Weibo, Jun Travel APP, and Jun Travel Mini program, more than 10 sub platforms, which provide rich text and graphic content and video for readers.

The platform focuses on many dimensions such as destination, hotel, aviation, cruise and leisure lifestyle, covering the whole industry chain of tourism and leisure industry, and is favored by many readers with rich, detailed and cutting-edge content.

The total number of users and fans of the tourism and leisure all media platform is more than 1 million, and the average daily page views of the platform is more than 100000. It has successfully carried out a variety of online and offline cooperation with many brands.

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