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雅高酒店集团与古赖尔集团(Al Ghurair)联合宣布 对迪拜地标酒店进行品牌重塑
发布日期:2017年08月03日  来源:雅高酒店集团大中华区

首家瑞士酒店(Swissôtel)及瑞士酒店服务式公寓(Swissôtel Living)入驻阿联酋迪拜。

世界领先的旅行和生活方式集团——雅高酒店集团宣布,与中东地区主要的家族企业古赖尔(Al Ghurair)集团签署一项协议,双方将对一家地标性酒店进行品牌重塑,该酒店位于古赖尔购物中心(Al Ghurair Centre Complex),设有 428 间客房和 192 间公寓。

AccorHotels, the world’s leading travel and lifestyle group, announced the signing of an agreement with Al Ghurair, one of the Middle East’s leading family businesses, for the rebrand of a landmark property consisting of 428 rooms and 192 apartments located at Al Ghurair Centre Complex. 

酒店的客房和公寓都将纳入雅高酒店集团的超高端品牌瑞士酒店及瑞士酒店服务式公寓旗下,标志着该品牌首次进入阿联酋地区。酒店和公寓均位于德伊勒,可通往迪拜本地的高端购物中心——古赖尔购物中心,该购物中心于近期完成了一次价值 18 亿迪拉姆(注:阿联酋货币单位)的扩建项目。

Both properties will be managed as part of the Group’s upper-upscale Swissôtel & Swissôtel Living portfolio, representing the brand’s first foray into the United Arab Emirates. Located within Deira, the hotel and residences offer access to the iconic Al Ghurair Centre – one of Dubai’s original upscale shopping centers, which recently completed an AED 1.8 billion expansion. 

酒店和公寓将于 2017 年末完成第一期的软装施工,并正式专为瑞士酒店及瑞士酒店服务式公寓,在此之前,将由雅高酒店集团直接管理。瑞士酒店是瑞士待客之道的代名词,不仅拥有巧妙的酒店设计和独特当地特色,而且秉承业内先进的环保标准,尊重及保护环境,同时真诚对待每一位顾客和员工。瑞士酒店服务式公寓坚持酒店式住宅的创新理念,提供奢华高端的公寓供宾客选择,主要面向长住客户。

The hotel and apartments will be managed by AccorHotels before transitioning to Swissôtel & Swissôtel Living by end of 2017 when the first phase of soft refurbishment is completed. A brand synonymous with genuine Swiss hospitality with intelligent design and local influences, Swissôtel also upholds industry-leading sustainability standards and is committed to treating guests, colleagues and the environment with equal respect. Swissôtel Living is an innovative Serviced Residence concept, featuring decidedly upscale apartments operated on an extended-stay basis.

雅高酒店集团中东区奢华品牌首席运营官 Sami Nasser 表示:古赖尔集团在推动迪拜成为全球旅游胜地的过程中起到了举足轻重的作用,因此当地的地标古赖尔购物中心是设立迪拜首家瑞士酒店及瑞士酒店服务式公寓的最佳地点。通过这一次的品牌重塑,我们将带来全新的旅游体验,将瑞士酒店品牌所特有的活力、热情和生机注入其中,为迪拜旧城带来崭新活力。

Sami Nasser, Chief Operating Officer, Luxury Brands, AccorHotels Middle East said: “The Al Ghurair family plays a leading role in driving Dubai’s growth as a global destination, and as such, the iconic Al Ghurair Centre is the best location to debut the city’s first Swissôtel & Swissôtel Living. Through this rebrand, we are bringing a new travel experience that is full of energy, passion and vitality - all part of the Swissôtel brand DNA – to the revitalisation of Old Dubai.”

Sami Nasser 继续说道:我们在麦加设有两家知名瑞士酒店,再加上旗舰酒店伊斯坦布尔博斯普鲁斯瑞士酒店,古赖尔瑞士酒店和古赖尔瑞士酒店服务式公寓将共同为瑞士酒店品牌在中东地区的未来发展提供绝佳基础和起点。

“Along with two notable Swissôtel properties welcoming guests in Makkah, in addition to our flagship Swissôtel the Bosphorus, Istanbul, Al Ghurair Hotel and Al Ghurair Living provide an excellent base and springboard for the future development of the brand in the Middle East,” he concluded.

古赖尔地产业务首席执行官 Sultan Al Ghurair 负责公司众多的房地产项目,他说:与雅高酒店集团合作,签署这项具有重要意义的协议,表明古赖尔集团一直致力于与一流的企业合作,从而吸引更多新的品牌进驻阿联酋。古赖尔购物中心拥有 350 余个零售、餐饮和娱乐店面,每年吸引超过 2100 万名游客。通过酒店品牌重塑,我们很高兴能够将瑞士酒店及瑞士酒店服务式公寓这样的国际品牌纳入古赖尔购物中心的项目中。目前我们有 53 项在建房地产项目(其中大部分位于德伊勒),在我们实现迪拜旧城重建的过程中,古赖尔购物中心酒店的更名和重塑是其中的重要组成部分。

Sultan Al Ghurair, CEO of Al Ghurair Properties, and responsible for the organization’s extensive real estate portfolio, said: “This landmark agreement, in partnership with AccorHotels, reflects Al Ghurair’s commitment to working with best-in-class service providers and to attracting new brands to the UAE. The Al Ghurair Centre comprises of over 350 retail, dining and entertainment outlets, attracting more than 21 million visitors a year. With the rebrand of our hospitality offering, we are proud to include international brands such as Swissôtel & Swissôtel Living as part of the Al Ghurair Centre experience. With 53 real estate projects under development, of which a large proportion are in Deira, the rebranding of the Al Ghurair Centre hospitality offering is a key part of our goal to lead the regeneration of Old Dubai.”

古赖尔瑞士酒店和古赖尔瑞士酒店服务式公寓分别提供 428 间宽敞的客房与套房,以及 192 间服务式公寓。酒店中设有三间餐厅和行政酒廊,其中包括全日制餐厅、特色餐厅和大堂酒廊,宾客和住户可尽情体验当地和全球美食。酒店还提供超过 800 平方米的会议空间,其中包括六个设备齐全的会议室和两个宴会厅,为宾客举办活动提供了各种规格的场地。购物或游玩一天后,宾客可前往户外泳池、健身俱乐部和水疗中心以及壁球和网球场,尽情放松,纵享舒适惬意。

Al Ghurair Hotel and Al Ghurair Living feature 428 spacious guest rooms and suites and 192 serviced apartments, respectively. Guests and residents can experience local and international dining offerings at three restaurants and lounges including an all-day dining restaurant, a specialty restaurant and a lobby lounge. The hotel also offers more than 800 m2 of meeting space, including six fully equipped meeting rooms and two ballrooms, offering visitors an array of venues for events and gatherings of all sizes.  For those seeking rejuvenation after a day of shopping or exploration, an outdoor swimming pool, health club and spa, and squash and tennis courts provide a welcome respite.


古赖尔购物中心毗邻迪拜国际机场和迪拜联合广场站,方便前往迪拜的一些重要景点,如迪拜市中心,距离迪拜的缤纷趣味市集、迪拜河以及阿法迪旧区也仅有几分钟路程。与古赖尔购物中心相连的还有占地 80,000 平方米的零售区域,其中包括多厅电影院、室内过山车、溜冰场、美食街、户外咖啡馆、餐厅、超市、大卖场以及大量本土和国际品牌商店。古赖尔购物中心还靠近政府、领事馆和企业聚集区,商务人士也可享受便捷。

With close proximity to Dubai International Airport and Dubai Union Square Station, the location of the complex provides easy access to Dubai’s key attractions including Downtown Dubai, and is also only minutes away from the city’s colourful souqs, Dubai Creek and Al Fahidi Historical District.  Connected to Al Ghurair Centre, guests can enjoy access to 80,000 m2 of retail space including a cinema complex, indoor rollercoaster, ice rink, food court, outdoor cafés, restaurants, a supermarket, a hypermarket and an extensive choice of regional and global brands. Business travelers will also benefit from the complex’s proximity to government, consulate and corporate districts.


雅高酒店集团目前在阿联酋共设有40家酒店,还有 23 个在建项目。在整个中东地区,雅高酒店集团目前运营 97 家酒店,其中包括 30,000 多间客房,覆盖多个酒店细分市场。集团的运营网络预期还将扩张一倍,为中东地区额外再提供超过 25,000 间客房。

AccorHotels operates 40 properties in the UAE in addition to 23 under development. In the Middle East, the Group currently operates 97 hotels, encompassing more than 30,000 rooms, across all segments. The network is expected to double in size, bringing over 25,000 additional rooms to the region.




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