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发布日期:2017年08月22日  来源:宝格丽酒店及度假村

金秋起,米其林星级名厨Niko Romito将在北京、迪拜及上海三地宝格丽酒店呈现其当代意大利料理哲学。

Niko Romito是当代最著名的烹饪大师之一,由他主理的位于Abruzzo的米其林三星餐厅Reale在全球50佳餐厅排行榜中名列第43位。这个金秋,他会将其卓越的烹饪理念带到北京、迪拜以及上海的宝格丽酒店,臻呈全新的意式美食盛宴。

Niko Romito, one of the world’s most celebrated chefs, with 3 Michelin stars for his Reale restaurant in Abruzzo, ranked 43rd among the World’s 50 Best Restaurants, will curate the cuisine at the Bulgari Hotels & Resorts of Beijing, Dubai and Shanghai, scheduled to open this fall.

Romito先生为此次宝格丽酒店及度假村精心构思了全新的美食概念 - 此理念秉承了其餐厅所坚持的享誉全球的料理哲学:最基本的简式有机结合,对食材本味与精华的不懈追求,以及不断融入的个人创意与灵感。此次,Romito先生将在宝格丽酒店重塑当代意式烹饪哲学,最大化的呈现“意大利制造”中所蕴含的文化、优雅与生命力。

For Bulgari Hotels & Resorts, Romito has especially designed a new concept which, while preserving the fundamental philosophy of simplicity, synthesis and a quest for the quintessence of flavor which has made his restaurant famous all over the world, also contains highly original elements. The goal is to establish a true “canon” of contemporary Italian cooking that expresses the culture, elegance and vitality of ‘Made in Italy’ to the maximum.


“True flavor is an absolute value, and as such it can speak to everyone: the challenge is to distill it, export it and ensure that the world learns to recognize it”, explains the chef.

Reale餐厅位于Casadonna,其前身为修道院,Romito先生的烹饪实验室也位于此。在此工作的两年,Romito先生不断在其料理中糅入在他其他餐厅中( Spazio,Bomba 以及 Intelligenza Nutrizionale)的独特菜式研究方法,而今,他也会将这近两年的珍贵成果带到北京、迪拜以及上海三地的宝格丽酒店的餐饮文化中。

Working from Casadonna, the former monastery that houses the Reale restaurant and its laboratories, and applying the research method that originated the other formats in his entrepreneurial system (Spazio, Bomba and Intelligenza Nutrizionale), Romito will bring to the dining rooms of the new Bulgari hotels in Beijing, Dubai and Shanghai a menu that is the result of nearly two years of study.

“我想重新打造一种既不同于Reale,亦不同于Spazio的菜式。我们致力于创造一个壮丽而华美的菜式标准 真正经典的意式精髓,不仅注重食材和烹饪手法,更是一种将传统烹饪与菜品呈现,及细致服务相结合的理念。我们努力秉承并坚持这一理念,并为其注入新鲜有活力的元素,使其能经历日转星移的锤炼也永葆纯真。这恰恰就是我理想中的意式料理,一种让人愿意 “跋山涉水”去大快朵颐的美味。”

“I imagined a cuisine which is neither that of Reale nor that of Spazio. We worked to create an anthology of ‘standards’: great classics – not just in terms of ingredients and recipes, but concepts tied to presentation and service – of our tradition, which we strove to interpret in a philologically correct but also updated way, concise and necessary, and that would be replicable without the risk of error. This is the food that I would like to eat far from home, my ‘ideal’ of Italian cooking”.


Along with the chefs who will join him on the new projects for Bulgari hôtellerie, Romito has identified a core of dishes and gastronomic concepts in which the essence of Italian dining is synthesized, treating them with the techniques and principles that have always characterized the Reale method – attention to lightness and structure, the pursuit of an absolute flavor, balance, pleasure. The team then elaborated precise protocols so that the new menu can be replicated by different kitchen crews, ensuring the same level of quality, the same language, and an equally powerful and exclusive experience in all locations, regardless of geography. With a few exceptions, the menus will be the same everywhere.

Romito先生的全新烹饪方法将会严格挑选食材,通过注重探索食材本味的方法,为食材赋予全新的意义。头盘将带你领略意大利各地的独特风味由搭配意式肉酱面、米兰式小牛排、墨鱼汁意面配小土豆、腌制鲔鱼和提拉米苏等,让您人未至心已尝。放置在餐桌正中的面包一直是当仁不让的主角 - 它不仅是Romito先生料理哲学中的关键,也是意大利饮食文化中的不可或缺的一部分。对细节的关注更是贯穿始终,从传统fondi酱汁的制作酱汁由肉类、鱼类、特级初榨橄榄油及多种香草精心熬制而成,到服务均有体现。在餐桌服务方面,他表示:“就像是磨碎的帕尔玛奶酪,蔬菜汤中的洒落的点点油花、或滴一些意大利黑醋…这些都是服务所体现的细微感动。”

The new gastronomic approach uses refined Italian raw materials, made even more precious by methods that always focus on simplicity, as well as humble ingredients ennobled by technique. An ultra-pure broth to begin with, an original antipasto that encapsulates a grand tour of all the regions of Italy, accompanied by recodified versions of tagliatelle with ragù, veal Milanese, broken pasta with octopus and potato, preserved tuna, tiramisù – just to name a few of the dishes. Bread is always the protagonist, at the center of the table, a key element of Romito's philosophy and the mainstay of the food culture of Italian people. Careful attention will be given to the full spectrum of Italian condiments and “fondi”, like cacciatora, puttanesca, carpione, scapece, pizzaiola, putacchio, and to tableside service, “those little touches like the grating of parmigiano (that timeless, familiar ritual of great Sunday lunches at the restaurant), the drizzling of raw olive oil over a minestrone, or the dripping of balsamic vinegar”.

Romito先生总结道:“除了让他们亲自品尝,再没有更好的、能让客人和我们的理念进行灵魂交流的机会了。只有通过这种方式才能让人们足不出户即可领略地道意大利料理的精髓。我相信对食物的体验将远超于餐盘内的佳肴,而是将上升到一种氛围的追求以及精益求精的人文关怀。任何人到一家宝格丽酒店在Niko RomitoRistorante餐厅用过餐,无论是在中国、迪拜或者世界上任何一处,都将在一餐结束之后得到一种恍若游历至意大利的美好错觉。这就是我对此行的最大追求”。

Romito concludes, “The only way for people to get to know our approach to food and eating is to make them try it. Only this way can someone who lives far away acquire their own understanding of Italian taste. Food is naturally a total experience that extends well beyond what’s on the plate. It’s a question of atmosphere, attention, refinement and above all well-being. Whoever goes to a Bulgari hotel and dines at a Ristorante Niko Romito, whether in China or Dubai or anywhere else in the world, will leave with the feeling of having visited our country, even if they’ve never set foot there. This is my dream”.

宝格丽集团执行副总裁Silvo Ursini表示:“我们正在加紧推进Romito先生的美食计划,坚信这将能够很好地推广意大利美食文化并帮助我们发现更多相关领域的有志之才。与此同时,也将为我们的新酒店带来全新的独特体验。”

Silvio Ursini, Executive Vice President of Bulgari, declares “We’ve been closely following Niko Romito’s project, and we feel that his interpretation of Italian cuisine and training of new talents are a perfect fit, and will allow us to guarantee a unique experience in our new hotels”.

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