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华沙莱佛士优若派斯基酒店 备受喜爱的标志性建筑以崭新姿态重归波兰
发布日期:2017年10月24日  来源: 雅高酒店集团


2018年初,华沙莱佛士优若派斯基酒店Raffles Europejski Warsaw)将敞开大门,在绵延160年的辉煌历史间,迎接崭新的篇章。

Early 2018, Raffles Europejski Warsaw will open its doors to welcome a new chapter in an extraordinary history which spans 160 years.  

坐落于城市中心位置的皇家之路(Royal Route),毗邻旧城区(Old Town)的鹅卵石街道和高端零售区,106间经典优雅的套房把包括定制家具、橡木地板、读书角,以及由Anda RottenbergBarbara Piwowarska精心打造的波兰艺术品等一一呈现给宾客。

In the heart of the city, on the Royal Route, neighboring the cobbled streets of the Old Town with its own high-end retail space; 106 timelessly elegant suites will come alive mixing bespoke furniture, oak floors, a corner library and a carefully curated Polish art by Anda Rottenberg and Barbara Piwowarska.

从现已修复的19世纪飞檐,到21世纪由Jarosław Fliciński特别为长廊酒吧创作的壁画,无一不流露出鲜明的波兰风情。凭借丰富的波兰文化传承、技艺精湛的当地匠人和当代艺术元素,华沙莱佛士优若派斯基酒店将成为这个国家辉煌历史的一部分。

Proudly Polish, from the original 19th century cornicing, now restored, to the 21st century mural by Jarosław Fliciński specially commissioned for the Long Bar. The rich blend of Polish heritage, skilled local craftsmen and contemporary art at Raffles Europejski Warsaw is a narrative of the nation’s history.

优若派斯基酒店于1857年由Enrico Marconi建造,之后便迅速载入历史,19世纪波兰作家Bolesław Prus所撰写的经典名著《玩偶》中,还对这座酒店盛大的新年前夕舞会进行了描绘。十九世纪八十年代,Józef ChełmońskiStanisław Witkiewicz等波兰艺术家在这里开设了工作室,让这里散发出世纪之末的独特魅力;作家和诗人们也常常出没于这家酒店的甜点屋。二十世纪,这家酒店见证了波兰恢复独立(明年即是波兰独立100周年纪念)、二战的瓦解以及之后持续数十年的共产主义运动。

Built by Enrico Marconi in 1857 it quickly became enshrined in history, its glamorous New Year’s Eve ball parties, immortalized in the Polish 19th century classic, “The Doll” by Bolesław Prus. In the 1880’s, Polish artists such as Józef Chełmoński and Stanisław Witkiewicz had their studios there and the hotel resonated with fin-de-siècle glamour; its patisserie a well-known haunt of writers and poets. In the 20th century it witnessed Poland regaining its independence, the centenary of which is marked next year, before the devastation of World War II and the decades of communism that followed.

雅高酒店集团奢华品牌首席执行官Chris Cahill表示:我们很高兴能够开设华沙莱佛士优若派斯基酒店,重新打造华沙的地标性建筑,我们将带来享誉全球的高品质莱佛士服务,并供应一系列饕餮美食、美轮美奂的宴会厅、会议空间和独具魅力的水疗中心。华沙莱佛士优若派斯基酒店将承继过去并展望未来,为宾客呈现奢华定制服务以及充满艺术气息的装潢设计,在华沙的核心位置开启令人期待的新篇章。

Chris Cahill, CEO AccorHotels Luxury Brands says: “We are delighted to be opening the iconic Raffles Europejski Warsaw, such a landmark in the city of Warsaw, to which we will bring the legendary Raffles service, known for its benchmark standard across the globe, as well as a series of gastronomic delights, stunning ballroom and conference facilities, and a beautiful spa. The Raffles Europejski Warsaw will offer the visitor bespoke luxury and beautiful art-filled interiors, building on the past and preserving for the future as it opens for its next exciting chapter in the very heart of Warsaw.”

2005年酒店重归战前合法业主,随后出版商兼艺术赞助人Vera Michalski-Hoffmann持有酒店主要股份。这位新业主与酒店创始人的后代秉持着同样的愿景,不仅要将19世纪辉煌时代的奢华酒店重现在21世纪波兰人民的面前,而且要将这里作为一个橱窗,展示波兰最出色的现代和当代艺术。

Restored to its rightful pre-war owners in 2005, a majority stake was later taken in the hotel by Vera Michalski-Hoffmann a publisher and patron of the arts. New owner  shared the vision with the descendants of the founders to not only return to the Polish people a hotel as luxurious in the 21st century as it had been in its 19th century heyday, but to also create a showcase for the best of Polish modern and contemporary art.

酒店产权持有公司H.E.S.A.的代表Julien Barbotin-Larrieu如此阐述选择莱佛士作为酒店管理公司的原因:莱佛士是文化传承与奢华酒店的代名词,它同样拥有悠久的历史,仅在优若派斯基酒店创立之后的三十年便开设了标志性的新加坡莱佛士酒店,有了莱佛士掌舵,我们有信心能够为华沙带来更高水准的奢华酒店服务,同时兼顾文化体验和舒适感受。我们的目标是提供一个真正意义上的理想场所,以前所未有的程度,让宾客沉浸在艺术、美食和历史之中,从而深入了解波兰内在的灵魂。

Julien Barbotin-Larrieu, representing the owning company, H.E.S.A., explained their choice of Raffles to manage the property: “With Raffles at the helm of the hotel, a brand synonymous with heritage and luxury, whose own illustrious history, began just thirty years after the Europejski’s with the iconic Raffles Singapore, we feel confident about bringing a new level of luxury to Warsaw; one that is as much about the cultural experience as the comfort.  Our aim is to provide a real sense of place, allowing guests to understand the soul of Poland by immersing themselves in the art, the gastronomy and the history which they will be surrounded with, on a level as yet unsurpassed in the capital.”

酒店106间优雅别致的客房和套房将成为华沙面积最大的酒店房间,其中莱佛士套房面积达293平方米。备受国际赞誉的华沙WWAA建筑公司携手华沙国家歌剧院(National Opera House)的舞台设计师Boris KudličkaAPA Wojciechowski团队,负责酒店的室内设计。WWAA建筑公司此前曾负责上海世博会波兰馆设计项目,WWAA公司擅长以多元的方式来阐述背景故事,这与华沙莱佛士优若派斯基酒店的历史背景不谋而合,酒店所蕴含的宏大丰富、多姿多彩的故事正等待着人们前来揭开。借鉴地道的波兰元素,酒店地板采用黑色橡木或者传统的镶嵌细工工艺,光泽的贴木柜门和黄铜制品更是平添了一份世纪之交的优雅魅力。酒店的家具和灯饰大部分由当地匠人和设计师专门定制而成。酒店各处都洋溢着华沙独有的元素,无论是印刻在浴室大理石上的城市天际线、横穿其中的维斯瓦河,还是前台后面的艺术装置,莫不如是。酒店过去的历史未曾被遗忘,餐厅和酒吧中完美无瑕地修复了原有的飞檐和天花板装饰,六间理疗室和泳池中所采用的马赛克装饰更是对酒店上世纪六十年代的重现。

The 106 elegant guest rooms and suites will be the largest in the city yet, with the Raffles Suite a magnificent 293 sq. meters. Interior design comes courtesy of Warsaw-based internationally acclaimed WWAA Architecture practice together with National Opera House stage designer Boris Kudlička and APA Wojciechowski team. WWAA’s previous projects include the Polish Pavilion for Expo in Shanghai and they are known for an interdisciplinary approach with a focus on storytelling, a perfect match for Raffles Europejski Warsaw which is a grand story, rich with detailed narrative waiting to be unveiled. Drawing on the very Polish element of wood, floors come in blackened oak or in traditional marquetry, glossy veneer clads cupboard doors and brass adds turn-of-the century elegance.  Furniture and lighting is mostly bespoke and commissioned from local craftsmen and designers. Running through the hotel are references to Warsaw, whether in the skyline of the city etched into the marble of the bathrooms or the River Vistula which cuts through it, represented in an art installation behind the reception desk. Previous eras of the hotel have not been forgotten with original cornicing and ceiling roses immaculately restored in the restaurant and the Spa, complete with six treatment rooms and the pool, housing a mosaic from the hotel’s 1960’s incarnation.

西班牙设计师Lazaro Rosa Violan是酒店特色餐厅的设计负责人,餐厅空间与宏伟的胜利广场(Piłsudski Square)的露台相接,还可以远远眺望到无名烈士墓(Tomb of the Unknown Soldier)那永不熄灭的火焰。室内设计大胆借鉴波兰陶瓷传统,巧妙融合蓝色与白色。酒店中还将设有一间长廊酒吧和一间雪茄吧,甜点屋中将供应广受喜爱的波兰糕点和点心。

Spanish designers Lazaro Rosa Violan are spearheading the design of the Signature restaurant which will flow out onto the terrace of the magnificent Piłsudski Square, with the eternal flame of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at its far side.  Interiors will be a bold mix of blue and white referencing Polish pottery traditions.  There will also be a Long Bar and a Humidor, complete with a patisserie to serve the much loved Polish cakes and pastries.

华沙莱佛士优若派斯基酒店总经理Thomas Guss出生于德国,在巴黎长大,是家族中第三代酒店管理人,他拥有从中国至柏林等多家五星级酒店的管理经验。

Born in Germany and brought up in Paris, the General Manager of Raffles Europejski Warsaw is Thomas Guss, the third generation of hoteliers in his family, who brings with him an experience in 5* star hotels that stretches from mainland China to Berlin.  


Today, the iconic Raffles collection includes 11 distinguished addresses around the world. In Europe, Le Royal Monceau, Raffles Paris is the most exciting palace hotel in the City of Lights, combining Parisian Chic with relaxed sophistication. Raffles Europejski Warsaw will set a new standard for luxury in the historical city while reinventing one of Poland’s most iconic and best loved buildings. Raffles has also recently announced a partnership to complete its already stunning portfolio with an exclusive asset in London, transforming the Old War Office into a new British symbol of hospitality. This November, Raffles Dubai celebrates 10 years since opening its doors and welcoming its very first guests. Meanwhile Raffles Hotel Singapore, the iconic Grande Dame has announced that it will embark on a careful and sensitive restoration program. 

文章关键词:华沙 莱佛士
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