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以世界休闲大会为契机 促进平谷旅游休闲产业转型升级
发布日期:2020年11月02日  来源:旅游休闲






T&L: 您觉得休闲经济领域的产、学、研的深度对接,对于平谷世界休闲大会的成功举办具有怎样的意义?










T&L: 以世界休闲大会为契机发展平谷休闲产业,目前有哪些目标、思路和计划?





T&L: 目前世界休闲大会的准备工作进行得怎样?本届休闲大会有哪些值得关注的亮点?




Take the opportunity of World Leisure Congress, Promoting the Transformation and Upgrading of Pinggu Tourism and Leisure Industry

Exclusive interview with Professor Tongqian Zou, Vice Chairman of Expert Group of 2020 Pinggu World Leisure Congress

T & L: What has been done by the Executive Committee Office of the 2020 Pinggu World Leisure Congress, Beiing China in promoting the in-depth integration of governments, industry, academy and research in the field of leisure economy, and what is the next plan?

Zou: after the successful application for the World Leisure Congress, we will hold a Chinese Leisure Congress here every year. During the leisure congress, there are main forum and exhibition. The participants of the main forum are mainly scholars who express their opinions and opinions. In addition, there are exhibition activities, experience exchange activities, etc. every year, we also organize relevant expert groups, enterprises and media to get together for communication and integration.

The purpose of this activity has many aspects to consider. One is to publicize Pinggu World Leisure Congress; the other is to evaluate the related industries, including the supply of  products and the demand of the market, so as to find the relevant counterpart.

In addition, there are some new projects that may be developed in the Pinggu World Leisure Congress, including leisure equipment, health care and other new industries. Another function is actually to recruit exhibitors. There are various exhibitions in the Pinggu World Leisure Congress, which need relevant manufacturers to join in.

T & L: what do you think is the significance of in-depth integration of industry, academy and research in the field of leisure economy for the success of Pinggu World Leisure Conference?

Zou: The main points are as follows: first, the most important role of Pinggu World Leisure Congress is not only to organize a meeting, but also to revitalize a city and promote an industry. Through the World Leisure Conference, Pinggu's leisure and tourism industry will be transformed and upgraded. In the past, Pinggu may have emphasized more on sightseeing, mainly related to the peach blossom and peach industry in Pinggu.

Now Pinggu hopes to develop into a comprehensive industry of leisure and health preservation, especially regarding leisure as an important development direction. It may not only be a general sightseeing and leisure industry, but also develop equipment manufacturing industry related to health care and leisure.

In addition, we also hope to connect Pinggu with China and more places in the world through the Pinggu World Leisure Congress, because through this activity, Pinggu's tourism and leisure will be well publicized, and other related industries of Pinggu will also be publicized to the whole world. With the help of this activity, some tourism and leisure related infrastructure in Pinggu, including the exhibition related facilities dominated by the main venue of Jinhai lake, will be upgraded to enhance the service capacity of the industry.

In the past, Hangzhou has made great progress in leisure facilities and services through the World Leisure Congress. Laixi is originally a small county-level city in Qingdao, with the help of the World Leisure Congress, Qingdao has made great changes in the local infrastructure, including the expressways to the airport and exhibition facilities. The core is to revitalize a city with the help of this activity, and promote the renewal of the concept of the local government and the improvement of the implementation efficiency.

T & L: what are the criteria and considerations for the selection of cooperative enterprises in the current Pinggu World Leisure Congress?

Zou: The first is to choose the enterprises with strength and ranking in the forefront of domestic related industries.

Second, more and more attention has been paid to online sales and marketing, and more and more attention has been paid to those online tourism or leisure enterprises, not just to the original traditional enterprises. Therefore, we invited not only traditional enterprises such as China Tourism Group and Capital Travel Group, but also Meituan, an online enterprise with strong online sales ability. In addition, Ctrip and tuniu can also be our partners.

The third is tourism and leisure related news media, because they can have a great role in communication.

Therefore, our Pinggu World Leisure Conference needs not only product sellers and investors of leisure products, but also relevant publicity and promotion platform. Our partners not only provide relevant products and services or marketing, but also put forward a lot of good suggestions for the development of Pinggu District and the tourism and leisure industry of Pinggu through our many exchanges.

T & L: Taking the opportunity of Pinggu World Leisure Congress to develop Pinggu leisure industry, what are the current goals, ideas and plans?

Zou: it is very important for us to take the opportunity of holding the Pinggu World Leisure Congress to promote the cultural tourism industry in Pinggu and promote the upgrading and transformation of the industry.

In the past, more attention may be paid to traditional formats. Now, more attention should be paid to the development of new industries like health preservation, including the development of health care and leisure equipment manufacturing. In addition, new formats such as B&B and boutique hotels are also the next development direction.

In addition to the original service industry, the special emphasis is on the development of some leisure and health care equipment industry, which is actually similar to industry, which may play a greater role in promoting the development of Pinggu.

There is also cultural propaganda. Pinggu peach culture and other related culture, more widely spread to China or the world, including Chinese traditional culture.

T & L: How are the preparations for the Pinggu World Leisure Congress going? What are the highlights of this congress?

Zou: After the epidemic, people will feel that leisure is more important and health is more important. Therefore, this is a special meaning given to it by its era. This is something that may have never been seen before.

A great transformation of this Pinggu World Leisure Congress is the focus on Internet related leisure, which is a very important new form now. Now more and more attention is paid to the combination of indoor leisure and outdoor leisure. This is a very important trend, including online games, which is also a very important way of leisure. Originally, most people may pay attention to outdoor leisure, but in fact, online indoor leisure is also a very important development direction worthy of attention.

At the same time, the Pinggu World Leisure Congress may be more extensive and international. This time, we put forward relevant standards for inviting guests, including more than 50 international experts and more than 200 foreign guests. This time there is one outstanding feature: more countries along the route of one belt, one road will come. In our early propaganda , we have strengthened the promotion of the countries along the route, including the central Asian countries, southeast Asian countries, central and eastern European countries, etc.






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