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发布日期:2021年01月15日  来源:重庆喜马拉雅服务公寓


近日,喜马拉雅国际酒店集团任命苏文瀚(Jeffrey Su)先生为重庆喜马拉雅服务公寓市场销售总监一职,他将全面负责酒店整体营销战略的管理工作。

Recently, the Himalaya Hospitality International appointed Mr. Jeffrey as the marketing director of Himalaya Service Residences Chongqing. He will be responsible for the overall management of the hotel's overall marketing strategy.

苏文瀚先生迄今已有逾 9年的国际品牌酒店市场销售工作经验,于 2011年在洲际集团开启其职业生涯,曾先后任职于香格里拉酒店集团、喜达屋酒店集团、雅高酒店集团、万豪酒店集团,职业足迹遍布辽宁省、河北省、山东省及江西省等多个城市。此次履新前,他于潮白河喜来登担任销售总监一职,凭借其多年出色的领导力及团队协作精神,以及对销售战略方面独到的见解,在任职期间带领团队取得骄人佳绩。 

Mr. Jeffrey has more than 9 years of experience in international brand hotel marketing and sales. He started his career with Inter Continental Group in 2011 and worked successively in Shangri-La Hotel Group, Starwood Hotel Group, Accor Hotel Group, Marriott Hotel Group. His career footprint covers many cities including Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong and Jiangxi. Before this new appointment, he served as the sales director at the Sheraton in Chaobaihe. With years of outstanding leadership and teamwork spirit, as well as unique insights into sales strategy, he led the team to achieve impressive results during his tenure. 


In the future, Mr. Jeffrey will lead the marketing and sales team to focus on new development vitality for the hotel, better opportunities and challenges, and achieve more eye-catching market performance.




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