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发布日期:2017年10月12日  来源:德国汉莎航空集团


· 20171025日起,每周一班飞往塞舌尔, 由波音767执飞

Fly to the Seychelles once a week in a Boeing 767 as of October 25, 2017

· 在即将到来的冬季提供5个暖冬目的地的长线航班

Total of five long-haul warm water destinations in the upcoming winter season

· 冬季航班时刻表从20171029日起生效

Winter flight schedule takes effect on October 29, 2017


Austrian Airlines will initiate flight service to the Seychelles starting with its winter 2017/18 flight schedule. As of October 25, 2017, Austrian will fly non-stop every Wednesday from Vienna to the vacation island in the Indian Ocean, returning to Vienna on Thursdays. As a result, the airline will now offer a total of five long-haul warm water destinations in its route network:

Austrian will be flying one time per week to Havana, Colombo and Mahé in the Seychelles. The Maldives will be served up to two times a week and Mauritius up to three times a week directly from Vienna. In addition, Austrian Airlines is further expanding bilateral flight traffic to neighboring countries compared to the 2016/17 winter flight schedule. The new 2017/18 winter flight schedule will be valid starting on October 29, 2017.


Austrian Airlines is expanding bilateral flight traffic between Austria and Germany, offering an additional 49 weekly flights compared to the previous 2016/17 winter flight schedule. Compared to last winter, Austrian Airlines will fly fourteen times more to Berlin, and will operate as many as 40 flights each week thee. The flight offering to Dusseldorf will be increased by eleven flights per week to a total of 29. Up to 47 direct flights will be operated from Vienna to Frankfurt, an addition of seven weekly flights. On balance, Austria’s red-white-red flag carrier will offer up to 342 flights per week to connect Austria and Germany starting on October 29, 2017, including up to 119 flights from Austria’s federal provinces and 223 from the Austrian Airlines hub in Vienna.


An additional 17 flights will be operated each week from Vienna to Zurich to increase the total to 44 direct flights. With 16 weekly flights to Basel and 26 to Geneva, the national carrier now offers 86 flight connections per week to Switzerland.


Austrian Airlines remains the market leader for flights to the CEE region among Western European airlines flying from one hub. In this regard, the national carrier will fly to a total of 30 destinations in the coming winter season. The offering of Austrian Airlines to the Ukraine includes the four destinations of Kiev, Dnipro, Lviv and Odessa. Lviv and Odessa can be reached via four direct weekly flights from Vienna. Austrian Airlines will operate up to 25 weekly flights to the Ukraine, with eleven per week from Vienna to Kiev, five to Dnipo, and one weekly flight from Innsbruck to Kiev.  The destinations in Romania are Bucharest, Iasi and Sibiu. Accordingly, the offering of Austrian Airlines to Romania encompasses three destinations and 41 weekly flight connections.

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  • -End-


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