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德国汉莎航空公司升级休息室服务/ Improved services for Lufthansa lounge guests
发布日期:2018年01月08日  来源:德国汉莎航空公司


为了让旅客在休息室中度过尽可能舒适、愉快的时光,德国汉莎航空公司推出了大量全新服务和升级服务。LoungeNet是一个专为休息室的旅客提供的免费平台。它对不同的休息室因地制宜地推出不同的平台内容。除了提供有关旅行的一般信息外,如机场信息或航班状态,该网站还提供汉莎航空及其他合作方专为休息室旅客提供的特别优惠。例如,汉莎航空的旅客可以免费下载eJournals,或浏览有关飞常里程汇的里程收集和兑换信息。在“LoungeNet News”一栏,旅客还能了解休息室的全新产品和服务,例如新开设的休息室或水疗设施服务。

With a large number of new and improved service offerings, Lufthansa wants to make the stay in the lounges as pleasant and entertaining as possible for their guests. The LoungeNet is a platform exclusively accessible for the lounge guest and free of charge. It adapts its content to the respective lounge location. In addition to general information on the forthcoming trip, such as airport information or the current flight status, the website also offers special offers from Lufthansa and other cooperation partners tailored to the lounge guest. For example, Lufthansa guests can download eJournals at no charge or view information on collecting and redeeming miles at Miles & More. In the "LoungeNet News" section, guests are informed about new products and offers in the lounges, such as the opening of new lounges or offerings in the spa facilities. 


The Lufthansa LoungeNet has recently also become a platform for the cooperation with the yoga company TINT. All lounge guests have access to yoga relaxation exercises via the LoungeNet, which are adapted to the conditions in the lounge. Via a link the guests can watch practical application videos and easily copy the exercises in an armchair in the lounge. Topics include neck and back pain as well as exercises to prevent jetlag. TINTYOGA.com is a multilingual yoga website that brings together the world's leading teachers on a single platform.


In cooperation with Konica Minolta, Lufthansa has been offering a free print and copy service in all lounges in Frankfurt and Munich for several months now. Lounge guests can send their documents to print@lh-lounge.de and in return receive a PIN code with which they can initiate printing on the respective printer in the lounge. This service has been available in all lounges in Germany since the end of November - soon also worldwide.

消磨候机时间的一个热门之选就是在法兰克福机场候机大厅B区的Senator和头等舱休息室体验水疗服务。水疗服务由CHI-MAS Institute运行,对需要放松或“小憩”的商务旅客提供优惠服务。这包括美甲、足疗、面部等各类按摩,如热石、运动、头部或传统泰式按摩。

A popular way to pass the waiting time comfortably is the spa service in the Senator- and First-Class-Lounge in the departure area B in Frankfurt. The spa is run by the CHI-MAS Institute and offers special offers for business travelers who want to relax and need a little "break". It includes treatments such as manicure, pedicure, facials and various massages such as hot stone, sports, head or traditional Thai massage.

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  • -End-


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