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汉莎航空集团任命Alain Chisari为亚太区销售副总裁
发布日期:2018年06月05日  来源:德国汉莎航空集团

Alain Chisari将从2018年9月开始作为汉莎航空集团亚太区销售副总裁在新加坡负责所有销售业务。

汉莎航空集团宣布任命Alain Chisari为亚太区销售副总裁。从2018年9月开始,他将负责管理汉莎航空集团(汉莎航空公司、瑞士国际航空公司和奥地利航空公司)以及布鲁塞尔航空公司在亚太区的销售业务。

Lufthansa Group Airlines announced that it has appointed Alain Chisari as its new Vice President Sales Asia Pacific. Effective September 2018, he will be managing and directing sales activities of the Lufthansa Group Airlines (Lufthansa German Airlines, SWISS and Austrian Airlines) and also Brussels Airlines, in Asia Pacific.

汉莎航空集团枢纽航空公司高级销售副总裁及法兰克福枢纽首席商务官Heike Birlenbach表示:“我们非常高兴能够邀请Alain Chisari接管汉莎航空集团亚太区的重要职位。凭借他在销售和分销、网络规划和在线市场开发领域的丰富经验,我相信他会助力该地区的业务取得成功。”

Heike Birlenbach, Senior Vice President Sales Lufthansa Hub Airlines and Chief Commercial Officer Hub Frankfurt said: “We are very pleased that we could win Alain Chisari to take over this important position for the Lufthansa Group Airlines in Asia Pacific.  With his experience in fields such as sales and distribution, network planning and online marketing developments, he will contribute to the success of the business in the region.”

在过去近20年里,Alain Chisari在航空业担任多个要职。他曾在英国航空公司和美国航空公司的销售职能部门任职。之后,他任职于达美航空公司,分别在德国、奥地利、南非和英国担任多个职位。接着,他在瑞士国际航空公司担任对外关系与联盟负责人和瑞士休闲业务销售负责人。在过去的5年里,他在雪绒花航空公司,即瑞士国际航空公司的姐妹公司,担任首席商务官兼管理委员会成员。

Alain Chisari has held several key positions in the airline industry over the last nearly 20 years. For the last five years he served as Chief Commercial Officer and Member of the Management Board at Edelweiss Air AG, the sister company of Swiss International Air Lines. Prior to that he was Head of External Relations & Alliances and Head of Leisure Sales Switzerland at SWISS. He also held various positions with Delta Air Lines in Germany, Austria, South Africa and the UK after he had worked in corporate sales functions at British Airways and American Airlines.

Alain Chisari表示:“我非常激动能够在这个充满朝气和活力的行业展开新一段旅程。现在,亚太地区正以指数级速度增长,我非常期待能够参与其中,推动和引领汉莎航空集团在亚太地区不断取得成功。我们的关键目标在于,重视与亚洲航空公司合建的合资企业以及我们之间的合作伙伴关系,并在市场中充分发挥汉莎航空集团的数字化和创新主动性。”

“I’m very excited to embark on this new journey in a dynamic and vibrant region. Asia Pacific is growing at an exponential rate and I’m really looking forward to being part of, driving and leading Lufthansa Group Airlines in Asia Pacific into continuing success. And few of the key objectives is to focus on current Joint Venture and partnership opportunities with the Asian carriers, as well as maximising the Lufthansa Group digitalisation and innovation initiatives in the markets”, said Alain Chisari.

Alain Chisari是瑞士人,拥有瑞士圣加仑大学的综合管理SGMI硕士学位。他能讲流利的德语、英语、瑞典语、法语和意大利语。

Alain Chisari is Swiss and holds an Executive Master Degree in General Management SGMI, St. Gallen (Switzerland). He is fluent in German, English, Swedish, French and Italian.

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