

发布日期:2020年06月28日  来源:旅游休闲

Mr. Sergio Uriol,现任上海虹桥美利亚酒店总经理。


What do you think of the changes in China's high-end hotel market in 2019? How does your hotel deal with these changes?

Mr. Sergio Uriol:根据2019年的数据统计,城市酒店数量排名分别为重庆、西安、北京、广州、上海、成都、长沙、深圳、武汉和杭州,越来越多的高端酒店在二三线城市开业,标志着中国经济向均衡发展的趋势。 一线品牌的国际五星级酒店的竞争越来越激烈,这将要求酒店的硬件和软件具有更高的规格和国际标准。

According to the statistic figures in 2019, number of hotels city ranking namely Chongqing, Xi’an, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Chengdu, Changsha, Shenzhen, Wuhan, and Hangzhou, more and more high-end hotels opened in the second and third-tier cities, marking the trend of China’s economic development towards equilibrium. The increasingly fierce competition of the first-line brand international five-star hotels will require the hotel hardware and software to have higher specifications and international criterions.


In such competitive environment, Melia Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel adheres to the Melia International standards to provides the best service to our clients, meantime, we always follow up the market trend during the sales by each segmentations.


How does the downturn of global economic affect the operation of high-end hotels? What should the hotel industry do?

Mr. Sergio Uriol:当前的国际经济状况正在影响中国的酒店业以及上海市场。酒店被迫进行参加激烈的价格竞争。我们酒店的战略是在旺季达到最高的入住率,ADR和RevPar,在淡季跟进市场趋势,以在Corporate,MICE,OTA和可能的细分市场中抢占最大的市场份额,力争达到最高的收益 。

The current international economic status is affecting the China’s hotel industry as well as the Shanghai market. Hotels have to be forced into a fierce price competition. Our hotel’s strategy is to achieve the highest occupancy, ADR and RevPar in the peak seasons, follow up the market trend in the low season to seize the largest market share with Corporate, MICE, OTA and possible segmentations, try to reach the highest revenue generations.


What cases do you think the hotel industry should pay attention to in terms of service innovation, management innovation, science and technology innovation in the past year?

Mr. Sergio Uriol:智能管理已深入中国现代酒店管理行业,自从我来到中国以来,我感到很惊讶。 酒店机器人管家、用于控制空调温度的语音控制系统、电视、照明系统以及酒店客房中的一系列技术使现代酒店行业迅速发展。

Intelligent management has been deeply integrated into the modern hotel management industry in China, it was surprised me since I came to China. Hotel robot housekeeper, voice control system to manage the air conditioner temperature, television, lighting system and a series of technologies in the hotel guestroom make the modern hotel industry expand rapidly.


What are the new features and changes of the cooperation between hotel and OTA  in 2019?

Mr. Sergio Uriol:作为国际酒店品牌,上海虹桥美利亚酒店正与国内外渠道紧密合作。就收益目标而言,我们推出了各种套餐,以在不同的OTA渠道进行促销。根据我们目前OTA市场的现状,我们80%以上的客源来自中国,因此,我们以较短的预订方式参加了有计划的促销计划,以吸引国内客人。针对海外OTA市场,我们制定了完全不同的销售计划,更适合西方旅行者的旅行习惯,套餐内容与中国OTA渠道完全不同。我们一直致力于使用不同的销售方式来占领属于我们的国内外市场。另一方面,除OTA渠道外,越来越多的中国年轻一代更倾向于使用微信公众号及微信商城寻找优惠套餐,我们与微信商城进行合作将补充OTA渠道以外的市场份额。此外,美利亚集团始终致力于发展自己的官方网站占领市场份额。

As the international hotel brand, the Melia Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel is working with domestic and overseas channels very closely. In terms of the revenue objective, we have launched various of packages to promote in different OTA channels as well as need periods promotions. Based on our current OTA market status, we have more than 80% guests from China, thus, we have participated in planned promotional programs within shorter booking pattern to attract domestic guests. For the overseas OTA market, we have set up a completely different sales plan, which is more suitable for the travel habits of Western travelers, the content of the packages are totally different to Chinese OTA channels. We have always been committed to using different sales methods to capture foreign and domestic markets belonging to us. On the other hand, except the OTA channels, more and more Chinese young generations would like to select WeChat Malls and WeChat Accounts to prospect preferential packages, to collaborating with those companies will compliments the market share outside the OTA channels. In addition, the Melia International always commited to develop our own official website market share.


Have some new measures been taken in 2019 to improve the brand loyalty of guests and the reservation proportion of the hotel's official website? How effective is it?

Mr. Sergio Uriol:美利亚集团开展了两个忠诚计划,分别向内部客人提供Melia Rewards,向团体组织者和预订者提供Melia Pro Rewards。 作为西班牙著名的高端酒店管理公司,我们在全球范围内拥有大量回头客。 上海虹桥美利亚酒店已根据公司政策全面实施了忠诚度计划KPI。 我们将利用双倍积分,免费升级客房,欢迎客房设施等方式来提高会员的忠诚度并最大程度地提高会员的满意度。 作为一项长期发展战略,美利亚计划在未来5年内在中国开设几家新酒店,这是对中国市场的进一步认同和对增强客人忠诚度的另一个重要的长期愿景。

The Melia International is running two loyalty programs named Melia Rewards to inhouse guests and Melia Pro Rewards to group organizers and bookers. As the well-known high-end Spanish hotel management company, we have a lot of return customers worldwidely. The Melia Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel is fully implement the loyalty program KPI based on the corporate policy. We will utilize such as double points, free room upgrade, welcome in room amenities, etc. to improve the membership guest loyalty and maximize their satisfaction. As a long term development strategy, Melia is planning to open couple of  new hotels in China in the next 5 years, which is another important long term vision to enhance the recoganition of China market as well as the guests’ loyalty.


What do you think of the future development trend of high-end and luxury hotels as a lifestyle in China?

Mr. Sergio Uriol:随着80、90后成为主要的消费群体,豪华酒店将成为越来越多的中产及以上家庭的目标。在法定休息日和周末时间,通过自驾旅行在短期停留期间,围绕城市的度假胜地将更受欢迎。豪华度假村将在中国各地吸引人的目的地中占据更多的位置,其目标市场是企业奖励旅行,高端会议和个人休闲旅行者。家庭FIT套餐通过各种电子商务渠道不断发展。

With the post-80s and 90s generation become the main consumer group, more and more middle-class and above families will be targeted by luxury hotels. Resorts which surround urban will be more popular for the short term stay during the public holidays and weekends by self-driving travel. Luxury resorts will be more occupied in attractive destinations all around China, targeting market is focus on corporate incentive travel, high-end meetings and individual leisure travlers. Family FIT packages are keep ongoing to alive via various E-commerce channels.


City luxury hotels are going to target more and more domestic enterprises, especially “new economic” companies such as IT and Finance Industries. Younger business travelers from domestic compnies will replace of multinational companies’ traditional travelers to stay with luxury hotels as a long term trend.


More high-end MICE business assigned in tier two and three cities, which stimulate their high-end hotel business. Chinese local hotel management companies are also concentrate on high-end hotel brand development, the market share will be diluted by them.


What is the most unforgettable event or achievement of your hotel in 2019?

Mr. Sergio Uriol:2019年,上海虹桥美利亚酒店与中华人民共和国商务部及国际珠宝协会组织成功举办了进出口展览。 我们还于2019年10月与西班牙领事馆成功地组织了西班牙国庆日庆祝活动。总体而言,上海美利亚酒店成功接待了一系列重要的国家和国际VIP客户、娱乐业和休闲旅行。 我们所有的表现获得一致好评。

In 2019, the Melia Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel successfully hosted Import and Export exhibitions with the group of Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China & International Jewelry Association Group. We have also successfully organized the Celebration Event of Spanish National Holiday with Spanish Consulate in October 2019. In general, the Melia Shanghai Honqgaio Hotel successfully picked up a series of important National and International VIP customers , entertainment industry and leisure travel. All our performances won unanimous praises.


What are the priorities of your hotel in 2020? Do you have any special plans or ideas?

Mr. Sergio Uriol:这是我们酒店于2020年开业的第三年,最优先的目标是维持我们所有的忠诚度客户,并确保最高的保留率和100%的客人满意度。 同时,我们还将开发和寻找来自世界各地的新客户。

It is the third year of opening for our hotel in 2020, the most priority objective is maintain all our loyalty customers, make sure the highest ratio of retaining percentage and 100% guests satisfication. In the meantime, we will also develop and prospect new customers from all over the world.


This year's epidemic has caused heavy damage to the hotel industry. How can your hotel adjust and face it? 

Mr. Sergio Uriol:自今年二月起,上海五星级酒店大数据显示出租率二月为1.4%,三月为12.4%,四月为27.1%,五月六月在逐步恢复中,但是还是只限于国内市场。由于现在疫情没有结束,目前,在疫情防空方面,我们美利亚酒店集团推出“STAY SAFE AT MELIA”全球酒店内防疫标准,我们根据美利亚标准以及当地政府要求严格执行每一处细微环节。

Since February this year, the big data of Shanghai's five-star hotels shows that the occupancy rate in Shanghai was 1.4% in February, 12.4% in March and 27.1% in April. It is gradually recovering in May and June, but it is still limited to the domestic market. As the epidemic situation is not over now, in terms of epidemic prevention, Melia Hotel International has launched the "Stay safe at Melia" global hotel epidemic prevention standard. We strictly implement every detail link according to the Melia standard and the requirements of the local government. 


For example, we set up two meters safe distance floor stickers in public areas. All public areas and elevators are equipped with disinfectant alcohol and hand sanitizer. It is stipulated that at most two people can ride at the same time in elevator. Disinfection and ventilation standards are strictly implemented in restaurants, Meeting Rooms and Guest Room areas. The labels of sterilized articles are marked to remind guests. All guests are required to register and measure their body temperature upon arrival.


At the same time, we are actively trying to make positive contact with various Corporate customers, third-party MICE Companies and OTA channels as well as Melia.com booking engine. All actions are in terms of to recover the domestic business and leisure travel market soonest. In addition, regarding the F&B Promotions, we actively launch various weekend.


What are your personal travel plans for 2020? What is your personal standard when you choose a hotel ?

Mr. Sergio Uriol:除了欧洲商务旅行和拜访我的家人和朋友以外,我最喜欢去的目的地是亚洲国家,这对我和我的家人非常有吸引力。这是我第一次来亚洲工作我想尽可能的把亚洲走遍。 对我而言,酒店选择标准始终是地理位置第一。 如果我待在度假胜地,那么靠近海滩的第一行始终是我的偏爱。

Except the Europe Trips for business and visit my home and friends, my most preferred destinations to visit are Asian Countries, which very attract me and my family. It is my first time to working in Asia that I would like to visit as many Asian Destinations as I can. The hotel selection standard for me is always location first. If I am stay in a resort, the first line to close to the beach is always my preference.

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