

发布日期:2020年03月17日  来源:旅游休闲

T&L: 截止目前,本次疫情对贵集团的影响有多大? So far, what is the impact of this epidemic on your group? Mr. Clive Elulhawthorn: 我们度假村的入住率受到了COVID-19疫情的影响,大约占到

T&L: 截止目前,本次疫情对贵集团的影响有多大?

So far, what is the impact of this epidemic on your group?

Mr. Clive Elulhawthorn: 我们度假村的入住率受到了COVID-19疫情的影响,大约占到20-30%之间,这源于政府对旅行的限制以控制疾病的传播。随着最近欧洲病例的激增,限制旅行的地区数量持续增加。人们不愿出行,因此他们会无限期地取消或推迟他们的旅行计划。

Occupancy at our resorts has been impacted by COVID-19 to the tune of anywhere between 20-30%, which has resulted in travel restrictions imposed by governments to contain the spread of the disease. With the recent explosion of cases in Europe, the amount of travel restrictions continue to increase. Guests are reluctant to travel and are therefore cancelling or postponing their travel plans indefinitely.


We have taken the decision not to reduce the number of employees at our resorts, for now, looking at ways to increase productivity through cross-exposure to other departments, training and initiatives aimed at building a solid foundation for the future, when business levels increase. Wherever possible, the management team is encouraging team members to take annual leave and clear any outstanding leave/days off.


We have also taken the decision to delay the recruitment for a number of vacant positions until the situation improves, which is the responsible thing to do from a business standpoint.

T&L: 截止目前,采取了哪些措施应对本次疫情?对客人和合作伙伴提供了哪些帮助?

So far, what measures have been taken to deal with the epidemic? What help does your group provide to guests and partners?

Mr. Clive Elulhawthorn:

· 所有入住我们酒店的客人都要接受体温检测,并填写健康和旅行计划声明表。在他们逗留期间,对客人进行COVID-19症状的监测。

· 所有到岗员工都需接受体温检测。前厅部门成员必须戴上口罩。鼓励队员定期洗手,所有部门都备有洗手液。

· 度假村为客人提供免费的口罩和洗手液。

· 有与COVID-19相关症状的客人,需由员工陪同前往医院,并需要得到医生的许可才可返回度假村。

· 度假村为在此期间入住的客人提供额外的优惠,如饮品券、水疗和免费延住(针对最少入住3晚的客人)

· 所有客人均可免费获赠柑橘水。

· 所有用于食材均采购自有专业资质的公司,并按照我们的理念尽可能采购本地的有机产品。

· 在疫情期间,不提供生食类肉类、鱼类和鸡蛋食品,从而减少通过动物产品接触病毒的风险。

· 我们提议商会和地方政府降低增值税,越南当局目前正在考虑这一提议。

· All guests checking into our resorts undergo temperature screening and are required to fill in a Health and Travel itinerary Declaration Form. Guests are monitored for symptoms of COVID-19 during their stay.

· All employees reporting to work undergo temperature screening. Front of house team members are required to wear masks. Team members are encouraged to wash their hands regularly. Hand sanitisers have been provided to all departments.

· The resorts are providing complimentary face masks and hand sanitiser for guests to use.

· Guests and employees that have symptoms associated with COVID-19 are accompanied to hospital and are required to be cleared by a doctor, before returning to the resorts.

· The resorts are offering additional benefits for guests staying with us during this period such as drink vouchers, spa treatments and complimentary nights (subject to a minimum stay of 3 nights)

· Complimentary citrus water is being offered to all guests.

· All ingredients used in the production of food and beverages are sourced by certified companies in line with our philosophy to source local, organic produce if possible.

· During this period, meat, fish and eggs are cooked through (well-done) to decrease the risk of exposure to the virus through animal products.

· We proposed the reduction of VAT through the chambers of commerce and local government, which is currently being considered by the Vietnamese authorities.      

T&L: 本世纪初以来,全球发生过数次疫情,在之前应对这些疫情的过程中,贵集团是否有一些成功的经验可以分享?

Since the beginning of this century, there have been several epidemic outbreaks around the world. Are there any successful experiences to share in the previous response to these epidemic outbreaks?

Mr. Clive Elulhawthorn:最为重要的是,我们的团队需要做好准备,并与地方当局携手合作,从而确保我们的客人、团队成员和合作伙伴的安全,不受疫情的影响。在非典、中东呼吸综合征和甲型H1N1流感之后,我看到我们准备工作的水平有所提高,必要的流程和风险评估方案已经就位。每次病毒的爆发都带来不同的挑战。

It is crucial for our teams to be prepared and work hand in hand with the local authorities to ensure that our guests, team members and partners are safe and not exposed to the epidemic. After SARS, MERS and H1N1, I see the levels of preparation improve and the necessary processes and risk protocols in place. Every outbreak presents different challenges.

T&L: 您估计本次疫情的影响会持续多长时间?对市场回复的时间节点是否有大致估计?

How long do you think the impact of this epidemic will last? Is there a rough estimate of the time nodes for market recovery? 

Mr. Clive Elulhawthorn:很难给一个明确的时间表。我们希望看到情况在第三季度恢复正常,但这取决于许多外部因素。旅游业是有弹性的,我们有信心,一旦旅行限制解除,新病例的数量开始减少,人们将再次开始旅行。

It is hard to give a definite timeline. We hope to see things return to normal by the third quarter, however this depends on many external factors. The travel industry is resilient, we are confident that, once the travel restrictions are lifted and the number of new cases starts to decrease, people will start travelling again.

T&L: 为尽量减小损失,促进全球市场尤其是中国市场的回复,会有哪些计划与措施?

What are the plans and measures to minimize losses and promote the recovery of the global market, especially the Chinese market?

Mr. Clive Elulhawthorn: 现在是我们着手畅想未来的时候了。我们与合作伙伴以及客人定期交流,从而发现未来的商业机会。我们有长远的计划,而不是恐慌。我们有信心,一旦形势好转,中国市场将会回暖。从效率的角度来看,我们与主要利益相关者——我们的业主、管理团队和员工密切合作,以确保我们高效运作,并研究如何在不影响我们向客人提供的产品和服务质量的情况下做出必要的长期改变。

This is time for us to build for the future. We engage with our partners and guests on a regular basis to uncover business opportunities for the future. We have taken a long-term view, rather than panic. We are confident that the Chinese market will pick up once the situation improves. From an efficiency perspective, we work closely with our key stakeholders – our owners, management teams and employees to ensure we operate efficiently and look at how we can make long-term changes needed without compromising on the quality of the product and service we offer to our guests.

T&L: 您认为本次疫情,为全球旅游业带来怎样的警示与启发?

What kind of warning and enlightenment do you think this epidemic will bring to the global tourism industry?

Mr. Clive Elulhawthorn: 由于COVID-19疫情的爆发,可持续性已成为焦点话题。在Azerai,我们正在寻找发展和运营可持续度假村的方法。例如,我们30%的电力生产和消费来自于一个建在小岛上的太阳能发电厂。我们的使命是通过使用玻璃瓶和内部生产饮用水来减少一次性塑料的使用,并协助减少我们的碳足迹。我们房间里的大部分设施都是可生物降解的。我们还设立了补水站,供客人补水。此外,我们还与当地政府合作,从客房和员工宿舍中收集废旧电池,并以正确的方式丢弃。这些只是我们目前的部分举措,我们认为从长远来看,这些举措将产生重大影响。

Sustainability has taken centre stage as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. At Azerai , we are looking at ways to be develop and operate resorts that are sustainable. For instance, 30% of electricity produced and consumed comes from a solar plant built on the islet. We are on a mission to eliminate single-use plastic through the use of glass bottles and in-house production of drinking water support the reduction of our carbon footprint. Most of the amenities in our room are biodegradable. We have also set up water refilling stations for guests to refill their bottle. We work with local authorities to collect used batteries from guest rooms and staff accommodation and have them discarded in the correct manner. These are just some of the initiatives we have, which, we feel will have a substantial impact in the long run.

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