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为庆祝成立60周年,奥地利航空推出采用特殊涂装的全新波音777 OE-LPF
发布日期:2018年05月02日  来源:奥地利航空公司

即将于2018年5月中旬加入奥地利航空长途机队的全新波音777(注册号 OE-LPF)在香港以新涂装亮相。

即将于2018年5月中旬加入奥地利航空长途机队的全新波音777(注册号 OE-LPF)在香港以新涂装亮相。飞机的涂装工作现已顺利完成,目前正在香港进行改装。因此,奥地利航空机队的全新涂装也将在香港首次揭开面纱。此外,这架波音777还采用了奥地利航空60周年特殊品牌形象:飞行方向右侧有一个特大号的“60”,机身两侧各有两个飞翔姿态的人形图案。飞翔姿态的图案灵感来源于奥地利航空60周年庆祝活动,在此背景下,奥地利航空的员工以飞翔的姿态出现在机身上,仿佛印证了奥地利航空的标语“Austria is flying”。

The new Boeing 777 with the registration OE-LPF which will be added to the long-haul fleet of Austrian Airlines starting in the middle of May 2018 shines in a new design as of today. The painting and labelling work on the aircraft, that is still undergoing modifications in Hong Kong, was successfully completed. Accordingly, the design refresh on an aircraft of the Austrian Airlines fleet can be seen in Hong Kong today for the first time. In addition to that, the Boeing 777 features a special labelling on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Austrian Airlines. An extra large “60” is shown on the right side in the flight direction, and two people in flying postures are depicted on each side. The flying posture is derived from the 60th anniversary campaign of Austrian Airlines. In this context Austrian Airlines employees are shown as if they were flying in line with the motto “Austria is flying”.

波音777机身上的数字“60”和四个图案由大约2,300位奥地利航空员工的个人照片组成,这些照片是员工为此次庆典专门拍摄的,旨在让波音777展开笑颜。机身上的“60”高11.3米,宽5.6米。图案高7米。每张照片的尺寸为17 x 11.2 cm,比明信片和DIN A6的尺寸要大。

The number 60 and the four figures on the Boeing 777 are comprised of about 2,300 individual pictures of Austrian Airlines employees, who were photographed for this special occasion to make the Boeing 777 smile. On balance, the “60” on the jet attains a height of 11.3 meters and a width of 5.6 meter. The figures boast a height of up to 7 meters. Each individual image has a size of 17 x 11.2 cm and is thus somewhat bigger than a postcard or the DIN A6 format.  


The new visual appearance of the fleet 

这架宽体飞机在业内又被称为“三七”,是奥地利航空第一架采用全新品牌形象的飞机。飞机的红色区域从尾翼向下延伸到机身,放大了尾翼的视觉效果。从而更加动态地突出了LOGO,看起来也更大。机身前部区域的“Austrian”字标也显示在较大的表面区域,从远处清晰可辨。喷气发动机被涂成华丽的白色,这使得箭头图案和 “Austrian” 字标在视觉上更加突出,也更加迷人。机腹则保留了奥地利航空的经典标语 “Servus(德语你好)”。未来7年,奥地利航空将逐一为所有飞机换上新涂装。

The “Triple Seven”, as this wide-body aircraft is named in the aviation industry, is the first Austrian Airlines aircraft to feature the adjustments made to the brand image. The extension of the red area from the empennage downwards across the fuselage optically enlarges the empennage. As a result, the logo is more dynamically highlighted and shown to be bigger. The wordmark “Austrian” in the front area of the fuselage is displayed over a larger surface area and is thus clearly readable from far away. The jet engines shine in a resplendent white. As a result, the chevron and wordmark “Austrian” are visually highlighted in a more charming manner. The typical Austrian salutation “Servus” remains on the aircraft belly. One by one each aircraft in the fleet will be gradually modified to feature the new design over the next seven years. 


OE-LPF is still in onHHong Kong at present

波音777(注册号 OE-LPF)目前正在香港进行改装,以符合奥地利航空公司的标准。五月,这架宽体飞机将从香港转移至维也纳,然后投入运营。这架777-200ER 高18.8米,长63.7米,翼幅60.9米,是奥地利航空机队中最大型的飞机。OE-LPF编入机队后,奥地利国家航空的波音777-200ER客机将达到6架。

The Boeing 777 with the registration OE-LPF is still being subject to modifications in Hong Kong in order to fulfil the standards of Austrian Airlines. The wide-body aircraft will be transferred from Hong Kong to Vienna in May and then start to operate for Austrian Airlines. The Boeing 777-200ER with a height of 18.8 meters, a length of 63.7 meters and a wingspan of 60.9 meters, is the largest aircraft in the Austrian Airlines fleet. Thanks to the addition of OE-LPF, the Austrian home carrier will have a total of six Boeing 777-200ER jets in its fleet.

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