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Le Labo 两家全新精品店于中国海南重磅开业
发布日期:2024年03月21日  来源:Le Labo

Le Labo Opens Two New Boutiques in Hainan, China

Le Labo诞生于格拉斯,自2006年起在纽约崛起,现已进驻中国海南。Le Labo目前已在海南开设两家香氛实验室,分别是位于三亚海棠湾的 cdf三亚国际免税城 以及位于海口的cdf海口国际免税城。 

Le Labo, born in Grasse and raised in New York since 2006, has entered Hainan. Le Labo has opened two fragrance lab locations: Le Labo at CDF Sanya International Duty-Free City at Haitang Bay, Hainan as well as Le Labo at CDF Haikou International Duty-Free City in Haikou, Hainan.  

Le Labo位于海南的全新精品店,为顾客提供沉浸式的独特体验,展示了品牌的标志性中性香水、香氛蜡烛与其他身体、头发和面部护理产品。品牌为途经海南的旅客,提供与众不同的选择,包括旅游零售独家臻爱香氛系列30ml,以及三种小型香氛蜡烛,分别是无花果15、苦橙叶21与檀木26。

Le Labo's new location in Hainan offers clients a unique and immersive experience, showcasing the brand’s signature genderless perfumes, candles and other sensorial formulas for the body, hair, and face. A distinctive offering for travelers passing through Hainan, are our most loved scents in 30ml as well as three candle votives, Figue 15, Petit Grain 21 and Santal 26.

Le Labo秉持对「慢香水」的承诺,于精品店中现场为顾客亲手贴上印有寄语的标签。这种对手工艺的专注与奉献,确保每位顾客都能收获独特而细腻亲密的购买体验,透过香气创造恒久印记。 

Remaining true to its commitment to slow perfumery, Le Labo personalizes selected creations by hand with a message of the client’s choice on site. This dedication to craftsmanship ensures that every client receives a bespoke and intimate experience, allowing them to create lasting memories through scent.

Le Labo进驻海南,是品牌重要的里程碑,同时将持续透过「慢香水」的手工艺,为全世界呈献充满灵魂与生命力的香氛美学。Le Labo在海南开设的香氛实验室,诚邀旅客共同开启香氛感官之旅,盛情欢庆Le Labo每款香氛所蕴含的精湛艺术与优质的品质工艺。

Le Labo's expansion into Hainan marks an important milestone for the brand, as it continues to bring its soulful beauty through its craft of slow perfumery around the world. Through the opening of its fragrance labs in Hainan, Le Labo invites travelers to embark on a sensory journey that celebrates the artistry and craftsmanship of each creation.

* 图片由品牌提供

更多Le Labo资讯
  • 方便旅途中随身携带的Le Labo 30ml 香水


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