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BOTTEGA意库迪斯科宵夜时间 BOTTEGA LATE NIGHT PIZZA DISCO 每周五和周六晚23:00-2:00 Every Friday & Saturday 23:00-2:00

如果问到意大利人如何度过难能可贵的周末,答案可能会让你心痒痒,恨不得马上跳上下一班飞往罗马的飞机,美食美酒之乡的意大利,连平日里都是8、9点才开饭,吃吃喝喝聊聊到深夜,更别说周末了 那是上帝赐给子民用来充分享受生活的;西西里街头的小食店一直开到后半夜,啤酒红酒轮番上阵,年轻的人们吃饱了会把音乐开到最大功率,兴奋地手舞足蹈,小声说大声笑,直到太阳快要升起,这就是一个典型的周六巴勒莫岛上的晚上。


不用羡慕了,现在意库把这样充满活力的周末夜带到三里屯,为夜晚的北京注入年轻的意式活力!舒适又轻松的氛围,现场 DJ送出Live 音乐,伴着经典的意式街食和一系列我们精心挑选的葡萄酒啤酒气泡酒…让你梦里不知身是客,恍惚之间以为到了最具浪漫气息的夜幕降临后的南意大利!


BOTTEGA意库为你准备了各种小份宵夜美食: 意米菠菜球,牛肉意面饼, 碳烤三明治,小魔鬼比萨….尽请尝试也不用自责。丰富的酒水包括最经典的Negroni,金汤力,以及新品烟熏威士忌酸,激情无限和丝绒,更有意大利特产的Prosecco起泡酒,苏拉尼庄园的干红和来自“新酒界”纽西兰的纽埃拉干白等葡萄酒系列。




How do the Italians spend a typical weekend? The answer might get your feet itchy to jump on the next flight out to Rome. The country that’s the very embodiment of hedonism, you bet it brings this pleasant buzz to a new high on weekends.  Imagine street food stalls that offer amazing bite-size snacks opening into the late nights, youngsters blasting their music, chatters and laughter along with drinks till dawn…it sums up a typical Saturday in Palermo.


No more imagining and wishing – BOTTEGA is bringing such vibrant weekend evenings to Sanlitun for our fun-loving and culture-savvy Beijing friends to enjoy! A brand new event of what we like to call “Late Night Pizza Disco” see more than just pizzas and disco, one can expect much more: renowned and beloved traditional Italian street foods, classic cocktails and our new cocktails including: Infinite Passion, il Velluto, Smoky Sour, Old Fashion. And wine that come from both the old world and the new, hip and young crowd dancing to our live DJ sessions…


Starting 30th and 31st of March, every Friday and Saturday, from 11pm all the way to 2am, BOTTEGA Nali Patio proudly present a South Italy inspired vibe to Sanlitun for you to groove to!


仅限三里屯店 Only at Sanlitun branch