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埃及旅游局亮相ITB 上海国际旅游交易会
发布日期:2024年05月30日  来源:埃及旅游局


The momentum of Chinese tourists returning to Egypt is exceptionally strong. A good surge number of 230,000 Chinese tourists visited Egypt in 2023 with a YoY 250% increase, and 90,000 Chinese tourists in the first quarter of 2024 with a YoY 178% increase, and we were thrilled to see a surge during the Labor Day Golden Week, announced Mr. Amr El-Kady, the Chief Executive Officer of the Egyptian Tourism Authority, at ITB China 2024 earlier today.

2024 ITB上海国际旅游交易博览会上,埃及旅游局局长阿姆尔·埃尔卡迪(Amr El-Kady)先生亲临现场,向与会者传递了埃及对中国游客的热烈欢迎与殷切期待。埃尔卡迪局长表示,埃及与中国之间的旅游往来日益密切,中国游客对埃及这个古老而神秘的国度的热情高涨。2023年埃及共接待中国游客达23万人次,同比增长高达250%。进入2024年,仅第一季度,埃及就接待中国游客达9万人次,同比增长178%。五一黄金周期间,埃及更是迎来了大批中国游客的光临,这一盛况让埃及旅游局倍感振奋。

Chinese tourists are immensely important to Egypt's tourism industry and the economy. An increasing number of sectors within Egypt’s travel industry are keen to expand their offerings for Chinese tourists. Beyond the convenience of visa-on-arrival, we have introduced a series of innovative initiatives and made significant investments in infrastructure development to enhance the travel experience for visitors to Egypt. From improved transportation networks to upgraded accommodation facilities, and from enhanced amenities at tourist attractions to a variety of engaging entertainment options, we are committed to ensuring that every Chinese tourist enjoys a personalized and comfortable journey in Egypt. Additionally, we have achieved significant progress in our flight services, offering multiple direct flights per week from major Chinese cities to Egypt operated by various renowned airlines. This convenient airline network provides Chinese tourists with even more options for a smooth and enjoyable trip to Egypt.


Liberalization Reform and Infrastructure Development


Egypt's tourism industry is undergoing a transformative reform towards deregulation and liberalization, paving the way for new investors, and redefining the relationship between the government and the private sector. In tandem with the reform, Egypt’s strategic deregulation efforts and the allocation of 22% of GDP to infrastructure development over the past seven years are paying off, demonstrating a strong commitment to boosting the country's global tourism reputation. 


From bolstering transportation networks to enhancing airport facilities and expanding railway systems, significant investments are being made to improve accessibility and connectivity across the country. Meanwhile, Egypt's hotel capacity aims to double to 400,000 rooms within the next five years. 


Cairo City Break Program and A New Era of Luxury Tourism


A pivotal part of the latest strategy is the new Cairo City Break program – an initiative aimed at transforming the capital into a dynamic, must-visit long weekend destination with a blend of ancient heritage, cultural richness, and contemporary energy. 

埃及旅游局近日宣布,将推出一项名为“开罗城市漫游计划”(Cairo City Break)的全新战略性旅游项目,旨在将这座承载着千年历史的文化名城打造成为充满生机与活力的旅游目的地。该计划不仅涵盖了对历史遗迹的深度游览,还包括了丰富的文化体验项目和现代都市休闲方式的探索,为游客提供一场别开生面的开罗之旅。

As one of the first steps of the program, in a few weeks travelers will be able to enjoy a new visitor center at the Pyramids of Giza, which will transform the experience of this architectural monument. Shaded seating areas to keep visitors cool stand alongside brand new restaurant and hotel facilities, all with excellent views of the great monuments. Hop-on/hop-off electric buses, WiFi charging points and spectacular new photographic vantage points to ensure that essential shot, have all been added.


Most significant of all will be the vast Grand Egyptian Museum, built to house 100,000 of the country's finest and most important archaeological artefacts. After almost 5,000 years, now is definitively the best time to see The Pyramids.


Marking the beginning of a new era for Egypt's tourism industry, the country is also now venturing into the luxury tourism sector. Seven historically significant hotels will be soon converted into luxury accommodations. Egypt's first art hotel, Hyatt Centric Cairo West, is set to open in early 2024 and will feature 283 rooms near the new Grand Egyptian Museum. The historic Tahrir Complex is to be converted into a 450-room luxury hotel, Cairo House, which will feature the largest rooftop venue in the city. Also opening is the Mandarin Oriental Shepheard, the revamped historic Shepheard Hotel, providing travellers with luxurious accommodations in a safe environment.

与此同时,埃及旅游业也正在积极进军奢华旅游市场,为游客提供更加高端、舒适的旅游体验。七家承载着丰富历史意义的酒店即将进行升级改造,蜕变为提供顶级奢华体验的住宿选择。其中,位于吉萨金字塔附近的Hyatt Centric Cairo West酒店,作为埃及首家艺术酒店,将于2024年内开业,为游客提供近距离欣赏大埃及博物馆的绝佳位置。而历史悠久的Tahrir Complex也将被改造成一个拥有450间客房的豪华酒店Cairo House,拥有开罗城中最大的rooftop露台花园,为游客提供一览无余的城市美景。即将开业的还有文华东方Shepheard酒店,经精心翻新后,将以其深厚的历史底蕴为旅行者提供奢华且安全的住宿体验。

Welcome Chinese tourists to embark on this ancient and mysterious land of Egypt, where you can immerse yourself in its profound historical heritage and unique cultural charm. Egypt is fully prepared to greet you with brand-new tourism programs and luxurious accommodation experiences. Let us embark on a memorable journey to Egypt together, exploring the mysteries of the pyramids, embracing the romance of the Nile River, and experiencing the multifaceted charm of Cairo.


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